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Tag: Bourbon Reds

~~~The Last Melon~~~

~~~The Last Melon~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We just passed a chapter in our farm life here….. Our last turkey died….. …..of old age….. Mary Jane has moved on to that comfortable floating perch in the sky….. I just checked my past hatchery invoices to see how old she was….. …………………she was eleven years old………………… Wow… I triple checked to make sure….. She really was eleven years old….. *****(Bourbon Red Turkey Descriptions)***** I can’t find the life expectancy of a…

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The Bunny Plan…(Revised)

The Bunny Plan…(Revised)

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We have a lot of “revisions” and/or “revisitations” of ideas here on our little farm….. …..I’d rather call them “revisitations” instead of mistakes….. …..potatoes…potatoes….. …..(and again…that expression looses something in print)….. My original idea of raising meat rabbits hasn’t quite gone as planned….. I mean…the rabbits did just fine…it’s the project that didn’t launch as expected….. But I’m not giving up….. At the beginning…I had cut and J-clipped the wire cages together… I…

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***It’s KuneKune Time!***

***It’s KuneKune Time!***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s What-ie…What-ie…What?….. Things to do today….. Catch up on the advent calendar for the Holidays…(my older daughter has us on schedule this year…some years it doesn’t come down from the attic until the 16th of December)….. …..and then do more research about KuneKune pigs….. Yep…that’s what’s on my agenda for today….. My older daughter has done a lot of previous research…and I’m fed up with all the chemicals & crap that’s being put…

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Turkey Time!!!

Turkey Time!!!

  I don’t collect shoes.  Patrice already knows I am not a “clothes horse”. I do however have my quirks and quarks and things I collect. Mortars and pestles come to mind.  I collect them. Irish Wolfhounds, that’s obvious. Unusual horse bits.  That’s a good hobby. Rocks, I collect them too, but only pretty ones that appeal to me. Ah, but………….frozen turkeys………… that’s a problem area.  Plus, it’s that time of the year again.  It’s “the” time to collect frozen…

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