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Tag: botulism poisoning



My younger daughter predicts this coming Tuesday….. I predict this coming Thursday….. My older daughter is splitting the difference with Wednesday….. We are talking about when Claire will possibly foal….. … has been talked about before (ad nauseam)…’s a waiting game….. I don’t care if it’s a girl…..I don’t care if it’s a boy….. …..I just want Mom and baby to be healthy and happy with four hooves securely on the ground….. I know we are all thinking about last…

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The Horse Psychic

The Horse Psychic

I’m pulling out all the stops… Yesterday I had a psychic come to our property to “read” my horses and the land… Surprised? Oh…….come on……. … shouldn’t be by now! …..and here’s a spoiler…….it’s not the first time she’s been here either… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sabrina came yesterday… (alias…alias…alias) She’s crusty…….I like her… Years ago (2004) she was here to read two of our horses… One of which, we were having a great deal of behavioral trouble with……. Sabrina told us…….all she…

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A Year Has Gone By…….

A Year Has Gone By…….

    April 21st., 2019… I know it’s Easter Sunday………. ……….but it’s another day too……….   ……….it’s the day last year that our horses started dying………. My family is trying to move on………. …..we are………. Additionally it’s the anniversary of my Father’s passing……………   Quite the day, isn’t it?………. But……………we’re also hoping that Claire is in foal to Brave………. That’s something to celebrate……….isn’t it?!! We do still need Dr. Stevie Wonder to confirm by ultra sound to make sure……….  …

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When In Doubt…….Test Everything

When In Doubt…….Test Everything

  The post’s title says it all. And this is what we are doing. “Things” are being Over-Night’d and FedEx’d and U.P.S.’d everywhere. Cultures and petri dishes take various amounts of time to percolate and crystalize and separate…………but we are keeping a lot of slurries of agar very, very busy. My older daughter says that agar smells like chicken soup.  She identified the smell in the expensive, botulism-anti-toxin plasma that my older daughter’s friend drove up to Ocala to pick…

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