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Tag: bonfire

~And The Year Begins Again~

~And The Year Begins Again~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Yesterday was the shortest day of the year….. …..the Winter Solstice….. It’s just about pitch black by 5:00pm every evening now….. Awhile ago we started this relaxed annual tradition of having a bonfire on the Winter Solstice….. …..and we’ve had one ever since…kind of on-again…off-again…but semi-planned…nonetheless….. It’s fun…it’s pleasant…it’s relaxing….. The Infamous Big Purple Cups are involved…along with mediocre bourbon and cheap wine coolers…(good hang-over material)….. …..junk food…S’mores…cookies….. … know…a healthy meal….. Weather-willing…lawn…

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~~~The Summer Solstice~~~

~~~The Summer Solstice~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** And the year swings around again….. ~~~~~(Summer Solstice)~~~~~ If it’s not raining…we’ll be out by the bonfire with Cheetos and cheap wine coolers….. …..(forget sunrise…it continues to come too early)…(I’ll leave that for the roosters)….. The bonfire will be smokey…(because the wood’s wet)…but that will help keep the mosquitos at bay….. …..I’ll stick to bonfires after sunset…with Adirondack chairs…and smokey fires…and quantities of cheap wine….. I’m sure the summer solstice will be busy…

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***Fun With The Winter Solstice***

***Fun With The Winter Solstice***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *****The Farmer’s Almanac***** I have several of my friends who are as life-experience comfortable as I am….. …..we try to get together for the Winter Solstice…(weather-willing)….. …..(my older daughter and I decided it’s better to call us “life-experience-comfortable” rather than saying we already have our deli-number in heaven’s waiting room)…(I’ll have 3/4 lb. of the smoked turkey and 1/4 lb. of the Swiss)….. But the Winter Solstice is a great excuse for a…

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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Here in the Swamp…’s really dark at night….. It’s fun to sit out and watch the stars…..(if the bugs…suffocating heat…and… the rain let you)….. We always have more than enough wood to burn…..bonfires are actually a necessity….. There’s so much that keeps falling…’s a constant clean-up….. …..after a storm…..there’s always more….. …..(plus we have a tin roof…..and when a dead branch falls on that…..EVERYONE takes notice)….. Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice…..the longest…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Bonfire’s are therapeutic….. You can easily slip into a zen-state while staring into their embers….. We’ve finally made it to that time of year again….. It’s cool enough to warrant a bonfire on a chilly night….. …..and not too sweltering to regret lighting the match….. There’s always more than enough wood that’s dropped in the yard and the pastures….. … having…

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Holiday Food & Festivities

Holiday Food & Festivities

  We all survived another bonfire party….. Only those things that were intended to get burned got burned….. Phew………….That’s Always A Plus….. My older daughter had all of her friends over…It was a Christmas Cookie Decorating Extravaganza….. Young adults, lots of refined sugar and Fireball bourbon………….very entertaining to watch….. No fish-bowl-concoction this time…(That last one—–the morning after—–was really scary—–you needed a bull whip and a mace just to get near that drink)….. But this party was a good mix of…

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Hunt Horses ~~~They’re All Great~~~Every Single One

Hunt Horses ~~~They’re All Great~~~Every Single One

We were just at a post-show/make-shift/bonfire/tail-gate.  Bring a dish, bring a chair, sit and talk. Talk about horses, talk about life, talk about hay, and the rain, and the heat.  Talk about hounds, talk about trucks & their engines & the repairs & the tires.  And oh, talk about the horses again. Talk about new Hunt horses, old Hunt horses, mustangs, and falls from horses, bits, and bail-outs (and I’m not talking corporate). All Hunt horses are great.  Even the…

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Fun Bonfire

Fun Bonfire

  You never realize that your life is different than the predominant suburban family until you have guests.  My daughter had a bonfire last night. A fun one. Not a clean-up-after-Irma-crying-and-wringing-of-hands-before-the-next-hurricane-hits-kind of bonfire. There were S’mores, multi-flavored Doritos, donuts(?), nachos, pizza, Twinkies (now that’s a good Hostess), sodas, and alcoholic beverages (but no MoonPies)………………. I learned about fish-bowls………………….. Over the last few years, I’ve learned so much about fish bowls and what (and how many) fish will fit in what…

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