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Tag: birthday

To Every Season…

To Every Season…

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Spring’s around the corner…(it’s actually already here)…(temperatures are regularly getting up into the 80’sF)….. My eldest’s Birthday is just around the corner, too….. …..she’s going to Nashville to celebrate with her childhood friend….. …..(she’s going to freeze her butt off up there)….. But…where has the time flown?….. I still remember them both growing up…tumbling off of Josie (our donkey then)…and later…various horses….. …..and dumping each other out of wheelbarrows…or hanging out of the…

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And so the old broad officially turned sixty-six yesterday… Fourth of July is just around the corner… Woot!  Woot! I (finally) got the fan hung up properly over the bunnies’ hutches…..(I can’t imagine a rabbit-pelt jacket in this weather)… Paolo just told me that yesterday’s “feels like” temperature made it to 108F… I guess the “Gorilla Dust Cloud” is still affecting our lack of rain… …..but as soon as it leaves…..then it’s back to Hurricane Season and lightening strikes and…

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Birthdays & Old Friends

Birthdays & Old Friends

  I called a friend yesterday to wish her a Happy Birthday… She’s an old friend from our Tennis Circuit days…   When I reached her, she was on the tennis court with her five year old grandson……………it was his very first lesson…   They were at Williams Island where she had been a teaching pro for a number of years a little while ago… Grandson………………wow!……………..grandson… My friend Bernadette (you guessed it———that’s an alias) and the instructor were trying to…

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