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Tag: bee hives



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s time…………. …..(again)…… I’ve got the supplies…I’ve got the equipment…I’ve got the clothes…I’ve got the hat….. I also have a new (as yet unused) deck….. …..(well…un-used by the bees anyway)….. …..the deck was made…specifically for my hives….. Now…I need…the bees….. I was just called by the Florida State Department of Agriculture for their annual survey about how many hives I’m currently working….. … was so sad to say………….none….. I understand their need to…

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***To Bee ~~~ Or Not To Bee***

***To Bee ~~~ Or Not To Bee***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I’ve been thinking….. …..(it’s never too early…or late…for a good muse or two)….. I was thinking that I should re-visit the re-population of my honeybee hives (again)….. … know…..Hope Springs Eternal…..and all that….. But it’s been so hard keeping the little boogers here….. I really want to keep the hives populated and thriving….. In the past…..I’ve done that…..but they keep absconding…

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***To Bee or not To Bee***

***To Bee or not To Bee***

It’s that time of year…..well not quite yet….. …..but soon….. Do I?………….Or Don’t I?…..start up my hives…..?….. …..again….. If you remember…..last year I had a lot of false starts….. I was just about to buy the start-up honey bee nucs….. …..and then the Covid-19 Pandemic hit….. …..and the murder hornets arrived (on the U.S.’s west coast)-(and as far as I know they aren’t here on the east coast…..yet)….. …..I tried…..I got delayed…..I tried some more… got too hot…..I gave up……..

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Murder Hornets?…..C’mon!

Murder Hornets?…..C’mon!

Bees have been around…………..forever……. Who am I to think I could better plan what’s best for them……. BOTH of my hives have abandoned me and are still empty. But why??? Earlier when I had three consecutive puppy litters in a row….. …..I wasn’t able to keep up with giving them sugar syrup on a regular basis….. …..but I thought they were well-established with new brood & stored honey….. …..I figured they had to do their part too (just a little…

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The Value Of A Marble

The Value Of A Marble

The Value of a Marble…   Often it’s the small things in life that make the world go around… Quite often it’s easy to miss them…   Some can’t be seen, but they can be important and pivotal… A drop of lavender oil on a light bulb.  The paperclip that holds up the fly on your favorite jeans. A prayer, a thought, a thank you.     Here’s one that helped so much recently…   A marble……….in my hives. My…

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Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

  Swamp Hag versus the environs…………… I suited up again and continued my assault on the nettles…………… I am happy to say (am I?) that after a number of years “the powers that be” have given the @%#$&*@#$ nettles its own call-name. “Fireweed” finally seems to be the commonly accepted name… Well, that rolls off the tongue easier I guess… The insidious weeds are still highly invasive… So I spray…………… And I slosh…………… And I waddle…………… But if I am…

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