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Tag: AutoCorrect

***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

***Auto-Correct—Friend or Nemesis***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* AutoCorrect might be helpful….. …..I suppose it might be…from time to time…in small doses….. I’m sure it was developed & programmed by caring people to help others write with ease and efficiency…and it should be looked at as an aide to the written prose….. But I personally think is was seined out of the dark corners of Hell….. Quite often…it can…(and does)…step up and save me at very opportune times….. But…I also hate…

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..I’m not sure anymore….. My war with the Disney rats continues….. So cute…so sweet….. They’re diabolical…… Remember how I had to convert my chicken coop into an electrified Stalag Coop?…… …..just to keep my biddies safe?….. Now there’s a war on between me and those damned/twitchy-tailed sciuridae….. …..(and yes that’s a word)…(I don’t care what Auto-Correct keeps telling me)….. …..(Get with the program AutoCorrect!)….. …..I’ll take you on at a later date…but not…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** …..(or as I prefer to call it)—“Fun With Words”….. I suppose it’s valuable….. …..except…when it’s not….. … is automatic…but is it correct(?)….. I don’t write linearly…or even sensibly….. I try to hit grammatical accuracy…except sometimes…when I don’t…. … see…I don’t want to…it’s not my intent….. Why does AutoCorrect think it knows when I want personnel…or personal(?)….. I don’t want any cyber-corporeality…without a face…hiding inside my keyboard…judging me….. If I want to say fracticiously-humungously-irrelevantcatorally…then…

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