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Tag: arthritis

The Perfect Pocket Holster

The Perfect Pocket Holster

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** As I mentioned in the previous post…..arthritis has settled into my life….. I think the calcification is what’s holding me together….. Gravity is having its effect…..EVERYTHING is heading south….. … what….. I’ll just make accommodations….. Am I going to move to a townhouse with a maintenance fee and perfect edging?….. …..I don’t think so….. Am I going to stop riding and not own horses?…..and no foals?….. …..I don’t think so….. Am I going…

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*Living in the Boondocks*

*Living in the Boondocks*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ***Boondocks Defined*** We’ve discussed this before….. …..I live in the boonies….. …..the soggy…..swampy…..sticks of rural Florida….. Lots of other things live in the sticks alongside me….. …..they skitter…..they slither…..they lumber…..they bound….. …..some are less than pleasant and don’t have any desire to co-habitate with me….. To the best of my ability…..I try to live alongside whoever and whatever….. …..but mostly I just try to avoid the worst of the ickies….. Here are some…

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