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Tag: anoles

The Frosted Window

The Frosted Window

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Speaking of morning ablutions…..(which we weren’t)….. There’s a frosted window in our bathroom….. …..”the Throne Room”….. …..right adjacent to the toilet is a small rectangular/frosted window….. … to your right knee while you’re sitting….. There’s a lot of entertainment to be had watching that window….. …..while you are otherwise “indisposed”….. In the daytime…..while on the “po”….. …’re entertained by butterflies…..anoles…..dragonflies…..and other…

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The Nuances Of Mowing

The Nuances Of Mowing

Along with a day’s worth of mowing… …..I got to visit with friends… I had a long interaction with a male Red-Shouldered hawk while mowing the pasture in the front. If you remember from an earlier post, he and I have a symbiotic-relationship. The tractor and I beat the ground with twirling/metal blades, while he sits in various perches…..following us…..waiting….. He’s an opportunistic dude… …..he’ll swoop in after I’ve gone past and scoop up interesting “things” in his talons. Then…

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It’s Pyro-Technic-Time!!!

It’s Pyro-Technic-Time!!!

  It’s time for Florida’s three days of cold.  I have seven cords of wood. I’m ready. I spent a day with the front-end-loader picking up and stacking firewood.  I’ve knocked off carpenter ants, red ants, worms, chameleons that aren’t chameleons (but I can’t remember what they are actually called).  I wore gloves and boots and the weather was cool-ish, so the likely-hood of highly interactive, poisonous snakes was on the low side.  But I kept my one-good-eye peeled for…

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