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Tag: alabama

Claire Is A Great Mom

Claire Is A Great Mom

Claire likes babies….. She is attentive…..engaging…..TOLERANT…..directive….. …..and protective….. I don’t know what her background was before we found each other….. …..I don’t think it was a very positive one….. …..she was certainly neglected….. But she seems to know that she has found a safe place….. …..somewhere where she’ll be okay….. …..(I still think it’s odd that she and Chantilly were both missing the same front tooth)….. …..(and that Claire can’t efficiently “scoop” with her lips when she’s eating)…..(food is always…

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There May Have Been A Road-Trip……….

There May Have Been A Road-Trip……….

      Northern Alabama has hills. No, it doesn’t…………… has mountains! (Compared to super flat Florida.)     And sharp, sheer sides to the mountains!   And narrow roads…….   And narrow roads with sparse, flimsy, inadequate guard-rails……….         And narrow roads without enough guard-rails at all!!!       On one of those narrow, down-hill, especially-curvy ones…………………….I may have thrown-up in my mouth just a little bit……..     And my truck’s brakes may have…

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