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Tag: ablutions

…Red-Neck Feet–(et al)…

…Red-Neck Feet–(et al)…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..probably not a well-chosen topic….. ~~~~~~~~~We’ll just label this one…Inappropriate Post #362~~~~~~~~~ But a topic that might bear some attention…(or not?)….. ~~~~~~~Southern People’s Feet~~~~~~~ Living up North…it gets cold for part of the year….. Socks are necessary…outer-footwear is a must…if you want to keep all your toes….. People are geared to moisturizing everything that’s chapped…including their feet….. But here in the South…where it’s always humid & moldy….. …..there’s a weather-related laxity…some could call…

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~~~The Morning Ablution Dance~~~

~~~The Morning Ablution Dance~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** … philosophy… that children and animals come first….. …’s not necessarily a benevolent philosophy…’s just what demands to happen….. If one of your children is in distress…..then the superhero in you manifests itself immediately….. …..same thing occurs here on the farm….. …’s not a conscious response….. It’s muscle-memory…..or maternal instinct…..or maybe just Pavlovian salivation…..whatever is in vogue these days….. …..when a…

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The Frosted Window

The Frosted Window

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Speaking of morning ablutions…..(which we weren’t)….. There’s a frosted window in our bathroom….. …..”the Throne Room”….. …..right adjacent to the toilet is a small rectangular/frosted window….. … to your right knee while you’re sitting….. There’s a lot of entertainment to be had watching that window….. …..while you are otherwise “indisposed”….. In the daytime…..while on the “po”….. …’re entertained by butterflies…..anoles…..dragonflies…..and other…

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