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Tag: 4th of july

Sousa and Pretty Explosions

Sousa and Pretty Explosions

    Steaming, simmering heat.       Mother Nature’s promised fireworks to come in the afternoon.     Our stove finally sighed and died a couple of mornings ago.  We woke to a plaintive bleeping and an error-code that kept flashing it’s unhappiness. The error-code couldn’t be fixed………….we only had 1-1/2 working burners out of four anyway………………………and any cookies on the top rack in the back of the oven always burned…………………soooooooooooooo……………….we’re okay with the oven finally kicking the bucket…………………….it…

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Incendiaries & Potato Salad

Incendiaries & Potato Salad

It’s that time of the year again when the pyro-maniacs come out to play.  You know who they are.  The “Stubbies”, and the “Lefties”, and the “Stumpies”.  We all have them in our neighborhoods or hanging by their knees from our family trees with clicking Bics. In the South, fireworks are not illegal.  I vaguely remember as a child that they were illegal in Ohio.  I don’t know if they still are or not.  But with that memory I also…

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