*******Stupid Hen*******

*******Stupid Hen*******

They do have tiny heads…..

There’s hardly any room for brains…..

The ducks and the turkeys (yes, even the turkeys) are so much smarter…..

Remember my posts a few months back…..where I was racing to get eggs and doing battle with the crows…..?

Damn Crows

Previous Post—“Daily Egg Hunt” (03/07/20)

Previous Post—“Where Have All The Eggs Gone?” (5/31/19) 

Damn Crows

(…..hmmmmmm….it looks like I’m just a little vitzy & compulsive when it comes to crows and my chicken eggs…..doesn’t it?)

The crows were plotting and getting all the eggs that were laid in the barn by a group of errant hens.

My sage & wise older daughter suggested that it might be more prudent to catch the vagabond hens and put them in the turkey coop…..rather than shooting all the crows…..


So I followed my daughter’s suggestions…..with the exception of one slippery hen…..

…..and don’t you know…..that hen recently laid a clutch of eggs…..in the barn…..

…..she managed to hatch them out without getting herself eaten…..

…..she hatched twelve…..

By that evening…..my daughter and I went out to the barn after dark to catch the hen and her chicks…….by then there were only eleven…..

(Okay…So It’s Not The Same Chicken…But It Is My Signature Half-Nelson Hold)

…..and when I had the mouthy/squawking hen under my arm…..

Blurry Photo Of The Bucket O’ Chicks

…..and my daughter had the bucket of baby chicks…..

…..we deposited Mom and babies into the safety of the chicken coop for the remainder of the night…..

The “theory” was that she would keep her eleven chicks in the coop until they were larger and feathered-out and could fend for themselves…..

…..well…..that was the theory at least…..

The next morning…..bright and early…..as soon as I lowered the coop’s drawbridge…..

…..the negligent mother hen immediately abandoned her babies in the coop and went out with the rest of the adult birds…..

…..dumb…..@#$%^&^%$#@’ing bird…..

…..remember those best laid plans…..?…..

(to be continued…)…





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