*Storm Trooper*

*Storm Trooper*

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We have adopted “Storm Trooper”…..

He was an abandoned Saanen buck…..

Storm Trooper~~~(Some Hair-Do…huh?)…

It’s unfortunate…but those things do happen…(too often)…in and around farming…..

…..and unfortunately it happens more to males than to females…because on a farm…what the males have to offer…is very specific…(and not always needed)…(and not all the time)…..

Alanna  &  Isabella

The girls have babies and make milk…and if you let them…they do that quite often…..

The boys do make babies…but then after that limited time & effort…and the does are pregnant…..

…(and yes…that is urine-stain on his beard & face)…(he thinks he smells Wonderous)…

…..the boys are left to their own devices…(which are a little dodgy)…(and always include peeing on themselves)…(repeatedly)…(among other varied  &  creative things)…..

Emily Post would have a lot to say about the social downfalls of male goats…..

………….what can I say——-Buck Goats Are Sticky  &  Disgusting………….


*****(And now for a reminiscent-moment…why did so many parents of my daughter’s friends allow their children to spend SO much time here?)*****

*****(I would call Susie’s mother and say something like this…”today we are hauling one of our mares to the vets to be artificially inseminated…because the semen arrived last night by Federal Express…yes…that’s a thing…yes…it was “collected” in Colorado…yes…it was flash-chilled…yes…there’s a smile on the stallion’s face somewhere in Colorado)…..

FedEx Semen Container…(this could have actually been the beginning of Brave)…

*****(“but…here’s why I called…is it okay if Susie comes along with my daughters or do you want me to drop her off at your house when we drive past?”)…..

*****(“okay…you’d rather have me explain things to Susie at the vets(?)…you sure?…okay…I’ll keep it basic…and scientifically-biological…you guys are going to have to fill in the blanks”)…..


Those conversations happened more times with the parents of my children’s friends than what you would imagine…..(?)…..

…..and said-parents were aware of ALL the cavorting that happened here on an average day at the farm…..

Storm Trooper found himself in a situation where his “services” were no longer needed…..

…..there were a lot of people who wanted him…but they only wanted to butcher & eat him…..

I’m not saying we won’t eventually eat him…but in the meantime…he’ll have a harem of lady-goats who are looking forward to “visiting” with him…..

…..who am I kidding…he’ll be here for the rest of his days…..

(Irma, Snickers  &  Cami saying hello…)

He had a rough time before he got here…if you look at his ears…apparently they’re the aftermath of some dog attacks…..

Poor dude…..

I love his Bouffant though…don’t you?…..

***(Explanation of a Bouffant)***

…..I do nothing with his “Do”…he wakes up that way…it’s his care-free/hair-style of choice…..

I could do without the yellow-rinse though…..







#bouffant #saanengoat #starwars #ai #4h #ffa #artificialinsemination #stormtrooper

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