~~~Speaking Of Toads…..

~~~Speaking Of Toads…..

Beware what’s in the freezer at our house…

But…things need to be kept cool…

Quite often…..odd things…

Vaccines need to be kept chilled to preserve them…

Antibiotics (penicillin) always need refrigeration or it looses its pizzazz…

Blood samples need to be appropriately stored until they can be sent off…

Fecal samples need to be kept cold…..well…..so they don’t smell (because they’re poo)

Poop In the Fridge

Unsavory reptiles & amphibians need to be cooled…..chilled…..and ultimately frozen…

…..to humanely let them think they are hibernating…..


I try to keep things separated…

I really, really do…

We have the good refrigerator in the kitchen…

And we have the “garage refrigerator”…..and that’s where things can get dodgy…

…..you know…..the extra/surplus supplies from the monthly grocery shopping have to go somewhere…

…..like the extra butter…..or the big/extra large tub of sour cream…..or last night’s leftovers…..and the night before last night’s leftovers…..and the ziplock bag of horse poop…..


Poop In My Purse

…..well…it has to go somewhere before it gets peered at under a microscope…doesn’t it!?

And where else am I supposed to keep the variety of colostrum that I’ve collected from various animals?

Frozen Goat Milk For Babies

It just makes good sense…..(to me)…

But our refrigerator needs to come with neon-flashing warnings…..directions……and disclaimers…

***Here’s a good one***

Addy’s Surplus Milk

NEVER defrost and eat ANYTHING that is not clearly labeled…

…..it could be a section of someone’s upper-cecum…

…..or a bufo toad…..*****Here’s An Explanation Of The Dangerous Little Hoppers*****

I mean, I could bash the toads in the head with a shovel (as has been suggested by a number of rural homeowners here in sunny Florida)…..but then there’s the necessary/follow-up/clean-up/& hosing…

Or I could just shoot them (which has also been suggested by another group of gun-toting/rural homeowners)…..but that’s a waste of ammunition and it would be too loud after dark (which is when the toads are easiest to find)…

So instead…..I carefully (and quietly) pick them up with a grocery bag…..then I double bag them…..

Frozen Bufo Toad…..(next to the hot dogs)…

…..and then I pop them into the freezer…


So……………………stay away from the unlabeled/knotted plastic grocery bags in our garage freezer…

………………………..and stay away from the dog…goat…or horse colostrum…

………………………..or the gallons of frozen mare’s milk…

………………………..or the decapitated rattlesnake (or moccasin) heads…

………………………..the frozen goat’s milk is okay to drink…

Boiled Peanuts

…..and the goat curry or the gumbo or the pea soup or the boiled peanuts are yummy…

Better yet…..

…..just ask before you take anything out of our garage refrigerator…..

It’s just safer that way…





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