Sick-o Time of the Year

Sick-o Time of the Year


I’m gnawing on anything citrus right now…


Everyone around me is getting sick.






Flu………..Bronchitis………..General Ague.

Always A Plus With O.J.

I’ve been taking thousands of milligrams of Vitamin C all year long in horse-choking-sized pills………….


………………now’s the time for the pay-off…………hopefully…



The Dade City Kumquat Festival is JUST around the corner….


It’s a real plus on anybody’s social citrus calendar………..

It attracts an international crowd…                                   (???)

But it’s a good time……… really is…

…………….or maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve been out in the country too long.

I’m easily entertained.

We’re planning on going…

I missed it last year, somehow.

My dance card must’ve been double-booked.

Besides…………we need more marmalade………….kumquat marmalade is good stuff.

There’s the sour kind of kumquat marmalade that brings tears to your eyes…


Then there’s the normal, sweet kind of kumquat marmalade that’s more predictable and suitable for the general palate.


Both kinds just gotta be super high in vitamin C…


~~~~~~~~~~While we’re talking about local events……………

…………….the draft horse pulls should be coming up on our social events calendar soon……….I’ll need to check that one out.


I love the pulling competitions……….





Teamsters named Bubba…

Big, huge Belgian geldings named Bubba…




It’s a Bubba-kind of an event.




It brings back memories of the draft horse team/stone-sledge competitions at the Lake County Fair in northern Ohio.

The local Amish farmers would bring in their big Belgian (mostly) teams and “compare” their pulling abilities with the heavy stone-boat sledges at the fair.

Bubba #1 and Bubba #2—Driven by Bubba, Jr.

I also remember sitting on my father’s shoulders, walking through the Fair stables and being eye to eye with the big, monstrous draft horses when they would put their heads over the top of the stall walls.




Maybe that was when I fell in love with draft horses…………?

That was probably when I fell in love with draft horses…………



………………and deep-fried Fair food…








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