~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

~~~Serendipitous & Tricksey Sabine~~~

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Maybe this post should more accurately be called…”The Saga of Sabine”…..

This poor ole’ hound…she’s still not the sharpest knife in the drawer…..

…..and her nose keeps getting her in trouble…..

Sabine’s snout…(with burrs)…

She’s the kind of hound my Father would’ve  loved…..

He’d say she’s perfect…not too smart…all hound-business & focus…with a decent enough nose…..

…..that dog’ll hunt…..

You might remember that the chicken coop is just off of my bedroom…..

…(this is the master bathroom door to the coop…okay…so we haven’t finished covering the caulking yet)…

…..it’s through a glass door…in the master bath…..

That same bathroom doubles as a containment area for various Irish Wolfhounds…(who are just too big for crates or kennels)…..

Recently Sabine has been in season…(and to keep her separate from Ben)…(and Acacias)…(who both sleep in the kitchen at night)…..

…..we keep her in the bathroom by my bedroom…..


Apparently…Sabine is one of several creatures in this house who enjoy turning on & off light switches…..

Fortunately…Copernicus has out-grown his habit of playing “disco” with my bedroom light switch…(along with turning on the bathtub’s hot-water faucet)…..

He used to sit on the sewing machine and flip the bedroom lights…..

…..on & off…..

…..all night long…..

…..(really restful)…..

…(protection from Copernicus)…

Now…Sabine is doing the same thing…..

When she goes to bed in the master bath…I turn off the light to the chicken coop…(which (unfortunately) is a switch right by the door in that bathroom)…..

…..then I go to bed…..

I routinely read before I’m tired enough to fall asleep…..

…..and routinely…Sabine turns the light back on…while I’m reading…(by poking it with her nose)…..

…..which makes me have to get up…and wade through the other assorted sleeping hounds…to turn the light in the coop…OFF…..

…..it’s a tedious & treacherous ballet…requiring extreme vigilance…..

…..(because you don’t want to step on ears, paws or tails)…..

But Here’s A New Routine…(yippee for me)…..

Sweet Sabine

Apparently…Sabine has become an insomniac…because now she’s turning on the light in the middle of the night too…..

When the coop light is on after dark…its very glowing & glaring through my window..(right by my head)…..

…..which means…it wakes me up…and again…I have to tip-toe over various hounds…get to the bathroom…step over a now-slumbering Sabine…..

…..and turn OFF the !@#$%^%$#@!’ing LIGHT!…..

Then I go back to bed…to stare at the ceiling…until dawn…..

I’ve tried covering the switch multiple times with masking tape…..

…..she eats it…..

…..next attempt…will be Duct tape…..

…..and SuperGlue…..





#coarsinghounds #sighthounds

#lockportducttape #ducktapebrandducttape #gorillasuperglue #locktitegelglue #superglue

#irishwolfhounds #chickencoops #ducttape #scotchmaskingtape #blackgorillatape #krazyglue

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