~~~Seed Surplus~~~

~~~Seed Surplus~~~

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Well…you already know…I bought a lot of seeds…..

…..probably too many…..

…..(maybe not?)…..


But then…I was talking to a gardener-friend of mine…and she asked why I didn’t get more peas…..(?)…..

…..Not enough peas…you say?…..

…..I can solve that…..

…..Easy Peasy…..(Pea-sy…HA!)…

Then she asked…why I didn’t include any sweet potatoes…..(?)…..(I didn’t?)…..

She said all I needed to do…was to go to the organic section of the produce department at our local Winn Dixie…..

…..and pick up some purple and white sweet potatoes!?!…..

…..(PURPLE SWEET POTATOES!???!)…(THAT’S A THING?)…(I just gotta get some of those!)…..

She said she’d show me how to plant them…..

…..but I’m still struggling with what kind of perimeter fencing to use…..

She said that her biggest problem were not the deer (we know it’s really our goats)…..

…..but it was definitely the rabbits and the armadillos…..(?)…..

(Keep In Mind…This Is One Of The Containers My Younger Daughter & I Tried To Use As A Garden…)

…..we never had to worry about armadillos when I lived in Ohio as a child…..

…..or being chased out of an Ohio garden by an incensed moccasin—(that really did happen during my last attempt at a garden here in sunny Florida)…..

…..You Just Can’t Make These Things Up!…(risking your life trying to germinate string beans)…..

…..it’s a Jungle out there…(It Really Is!)…..

My new garden is in a new area on our property…this time it’s actually in the sun…..

…..(I’ve heard that’s important)…..

I still have to decide on the fencing…(the attacking-armadillo-thing kind of rules out the flexible netting)…..

…..and then another friend said I had to consider the roaming feral pigs…(we already know we have them)…..

…(Feral Boar in the Goat Pasture)…

This vegetable-gardening-thing is NOT for the faint-hearted…..!…..


…..and apparently…I need more peas…..

…Oh Look!…I’m Growing An Irma…





#sweetpotatoes #heirloomseeds #ohiovegetablegardens #ohiogardens #ohio #peas #snappeas

#armadillo #watermoccasins #vegetablegardening #vegetablegarden #purplesweetpotatoes

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