…running with the hounds…

…running with the hounds…

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This post may just be more of a comment on my housekeeping & anti-societal behavior rather than the Irish Wolfhounds…..

But…I do love hounds…..

I love big dogs…and a few small dogs…..

As I’ve said before…my definition of a dog…is one I don’t have to bend over to pet…..

I suppose crotch-level noses have their shortcomings…but they were authentic geiger-counters when my children wore diapers…and needed a change…..

And…my children NEVER had dirty sticky faces…(dogs will keep a kid’s gooey face & fingers constantly clean)…(no questions asked)…..

Big dogs can have their drawbacks…but it’s all a matter of perspective…and planning…..

…..kitchen and bathroom trash cans ALWAYS have to have secure lids…toilet lids MUST be left down…..

I can tell in the mornings…when I come out to the kitchen…what the Wolfhounds have been up to over night…by the trail left behind by their whiskers…..

…..along the kitchen counter…around the cupboard knobs…..

…..or the smears on top the stove…..

Whisker tracks…are their tell…..

The innocent hound eyes…that baleful look…(don’t get caught up in those canine theatrics)…..

Watch for the whiskers…..

…whiskers make good handles too…

…..crumbs…frosting…cat fur…cereal…litter…junk mail…chicken feathers…it all end up in their whiskers…..

We don’t leave out left-overs………….EVER…..

And yes…those are Jello shots…

…..bowls of fruit…plates of cookies…dirty dishes in the sink…..

…..they’re all free game for being licked and/or sucked down or chewed apart…..

It’s just life with a passel of hounds…..

I think I’ve already mentioned…a few years back…I tiled the sides of the walls down the hallway…..

We’ve finally had some rain here recently…which brought that back to mind…..

During rainy season…when all the wet hounds come in from outside…the very first thing they do…is rub against the walls…..

…and the hallway’s their favorite spot…..

I’d either have to re-paint on a regular basis because of the smears…..

…..or tile it for easier cleaning…..

I opted for waist-height ceramic tile…..

…if it’s dark…the sand doesn’t show as much…

You know…putting this in print makes my feral life-style sound so much more…..


I guess the drift from acceptable suburban-behavior was a subtle one…I didn’t notice my gradual social deviance at first…..

…..until I was suddenly & thoroughly societally-inadmissible…..

Forget running with scissors…I’m just short of baying at the moon with a pack of hounds…..

…..in all honestly…..

I’d rather hang with a herd of wet dogs…over a lot of people I’ve met…..

…..(that sounds a tad frosty…doesn’t it?)…..

…..(maybe I should gloss up my façade a bit more and try to fit in)…..

…..oops…too late…..






#prettylitter #tidycat #petsafelitter #drelseyscatlitter #purina #purinayesterdaysnews

#akc #irishwolfhoundclubofamerica #emilypost #socialetiquette #societalacceptance #manners

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