Rooster Rex Is Fading

Rooster Rex Is Fading

Rooster Rex #1

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

We’ve lost two Buff Orpington hens and one Rhode Island Red within the last couple of months…..

Buff Orpington

I can’t remember the last time I had actually bought those two breeds…..

… was awhile ago…..four or five years at least(?)…..

Rhode Island Reds

They were big ole’ mama hens…..

…..and I just found them in the coop…..dead…..(?)…..

… cause that I could see…..

…..just flopped over…..

Yesterday I noticed Rooster Rex (#1) looking droopy and poorly…..

…..he was perched on the wheelbarrow…..and wasn’t going back to the coop…..

I have a better handle on his age…..

Rooster Rex Eyeing His Competition…

… friend Simone has shown him at least three times in the Poultry Show at the Florida State Fair…..

…..he wouldn’t have been “show-worthy” for at least one year…..

…..this year we didn’t show at the Fair…..(you know…Covid-19)…..

…..some quick/simple math puts him at at least five years old…..

I purchased Rooster Rex as a 2 day-old/mail-order/Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte chick …..I had ordered two of them…..(you know—–for a back-up—–just in case)…..

Rooster Rex #1 and #2 Are In There Somewhere…

… there’s a Rooster Rex #1 along with a Rooster Rex #2…..

Did I ever tell you how these roosters got their names?

You see…..Simone has a propensity for a red wine named Rex Goliath…..

…..which we have fondly streamlined to Rooster Rex……

…..or even more casually…..Chicken Wine…..

When Simone first showed one of the big red roosters… wasn’t a huge stretch to name him Rooster Rex…..(he’s a nice Merlot coloring)…..

…..#1 is currently looking ratty & skinny…..

…..#2 remains hale & hearty…..a big bruiser of a rooster…..

I’ll have to break the news to Simone gently…..


…..(unless Pascal blurts it out before I get the chance to tell Simone)…..

I’ve been feeding him cat food crunchies…..he likes those…..maybe he’ll pull through…..

R. R. #1 In Better Days…

…..but usually when a chicken starts circling the drain…..there’s no stopping the progression…..(sigh)…..

I do think he’s an old boy…..

I have an adult French Black Maran rooster in the turkey coop…..


…..between R. R. #2 and Jean-Luc in with the turkeys…..I think we have someone for Simone to show at the next State Fair…..

Florida State Fair

Thank you Rooster Rex #1 for all of the blue ribbons for Simone…..

You’ve been a good rooster…..and a pretty bird…..

Rooster Rex #1…….R.I.P.






7 thoughts on “Rooster Rex Is Fading

  1. Good plan, yes, definintely leave out the Coke. Don’t want to screw up the grains! Here’s to Rooster Rex!

  2. Love that idea. I am having a fruit group and piece of toast for breakfast! Cheers to Rooster Rex! Best Rooster ever!

    1. I’ll pull out some mediocre bourbon… toast RR #1
      …..doesn’t that come under the category of a grain-food-group?
      I’ll leave out the Coke…..that would just be unhealthy…..

  3. OH no! Not Rooster Rex! I cannot bear it! Hang in there buddy! He has been such a winner! Might have to have a glass of chicken wine this morning to deal with this horrible news!

    1. What some might call a glass of wine for breakfast…..I prefer to call it part of the fruit-food-group.
      RR #1 deserves a toast…..
      In fact, have some toast…..(to help absorb that fruit-food-group)…..

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