




Yep, it’s this weekend……………it’s the day…………….it’s here!

It’s Repti-con………………………..



We have a nerd for a daughter……………….how did two jocks produce a nerd daughter……………….and why do nerds collect reptiles?

(In between collecting hermetically-sealed comic books.)

(And action figures, that they can never play with.)

***Paolo, where did we go wrong?  Hand her a ball, or a stick, or a bat……………….or something!




Give me the bat!

Augh—————–the un-athletic-angst of it all?!

And I’m an Athletic Trainer by trade!!!!!

How did this happen?



Not a Chicken.

I’m a mammalian-collector, myself.  As far as scales go,  they are acceptable on a chicken’s legs, but on chilly animals and all over their bodies?………………no, not so much…


But I do have to say, if I can locate which cat is having a happy expression of his urethra on my paperwork on the kitchen table and my shoes in the closet………………..I may just find a pond with a large scaly alligator and sling him in………………kidding(?)


DaVinci, you know I’m talking about you…………………




Your date with the vet has been set……………………….and let me tell you gleefully & in great detail what is going to be happening to your nether-regions (while I’m cleaning up your pee)………………….and pee’ing on my vitamin bottles…………………that’s just not cool, man.                        Low.   Really low…


But back to those chilly beasties that my older, nerd daughter insists on collecting………………………



They don’t cuddle.  They don’t have soft fur.  They don’t chortle or purr………


!!!!!!!!!!All the purring in the world won’t make up for your lack of urinary restraint, DaVinci!!!!!!!!!!

~~~You’re the product of an unwed mother…………………and so are all of your litter mates, too!!!………………..~~~

**********Where was I?**********

Oh, yes———————Repti-con.

Apparently today, our house is the staging-area for all of my nerd-daughter’s nerd-friends………………yes, it is.

One very likable, nerd-friend has a Nile Monitor………………….who does that?

And why?

I will admit that part of almost every room’s interior-decorating plan in this house includes a litter box…………………….

…….and the fireplace is off limits…..DaVinci!!!           Also, not cool!



But……………….back to these nerd-people…………….they even have to feed live meals to their critters (or aptly & dis-armingly-named frozen mice called “pinkies” (the Nerd-Army has developed their own nomenclature)-(you know what happens after a written & developed language?———–they take over the world!)………………..)and yes, I’ve come across them in my freezer and I might have thought they were tiny, frozen cocktail frankfurters (the pinkies/not the nerds)………………..but that’s for another story……………….another time…………….in a galaxy far, far away…

……………..I have also inadvertently tasted my daughter’s crested-gecko food……………

Hey, it was in the fridge.  It was in a container with a nice, pretty label.  I wasn’t wearing my bi-focals…………….marketing is everything & colorful packaging is attention-getting……………(it didn’t taste very nice & it was crunchy)…

It’s anybody’s guess what might be coming home from Repticon in a shoebox or a screened-cage on a dolly…………………….it boggles the mind…



Primary Rule #1——————Nothing Poisonous.



(There are enough of those things in the back yard.)


**********Just FYI**********

Another “Nerd Nirvana” is Comic-Con…………………..and that’s just around the corner, too.

Everyone gets dressed up………………..there are always a gazillion Spocks.

There are even nerd-Spock-smack-downs…………..over who’s the best Spock…………….those are funny.               Y’all live long and prosper!

And yes, to all you nerds out there———this ISN’T “Poison Ivy”.  I know that, duh! But it’s the only public-domain picture I could find of the Marvel vs. DC Universe……………..)-(So back off, nerds!…………I have a bigger bat, and here’s a plus, I know how to use it!!!)



My daughter goes as a very well-thought-out Poison Ivy.








*****(Apologizes to Lola———–I didn’t stay on topic in this post……………..yes, I was a bit scattered & schizophrenic…………………..DaVinci—Not There!!!)







2 thoughts on “Repti-con

  1. Is it only an urban myth that when your python gets affectionate, and stretches out beside you in bed – he is only measuring you, and waiting until he has grown enough….?

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