***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

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The affects of Hurricane Ian will be arriving shortly…..

…………………right now…it is literally…that calm before the storm…………………

We’re already exhausted…both physically & emotionally…..

Everything is done…that can be done…..

Zone A and Zone B have had mandatory evacuations in our county…(we are inland by about thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico)…so we’re not in any mandatory zone…..

…..the main North/South Interstate highway is crowded & crawling North…..

“They” are calling it “A Storm of Protracted Length”………….that sounds so much less dramatic in print…than it does in reality…..

It’s the length of time Ian will be impacting us…the multiple tides…and multiple hours (two days-worth) of torrential rain fall…with lengthy/high storm surges…..

I just heard that potable water will not be available in Venice until after the storm…they’ve turned it off…to preserve the water purification system until Ian is gone…..

…..(we have a well here…and a hand-pump)…..

Ian will now come ashore further south from us…..

He has drifted away from the mouth of Tampa Bay…but only Mother Nature knows for sure…..

We’ll be on the left (west?) side of the storm…and that makes a big difference…in terms of what direction the winds will be hitting us…..

…..I’m guessing they’ll start from the east…and then come from the south…then ultimately from the west…..

…..but…what do I know…..?…..

Ian was projected to be a Hurricane 4 storm up until coming ashore in the afternoon…BUT now he is only two miles per hour under the wind speed of a Hurricane 5…..

…..we are hoping he will quickly down-grade once he comes ashore…(Wind Shear?)…..

We put a fresh/big bale of alfalfa out for the mares and for Brave…so when the fences go down…they won’t want to wander too far…(hopefully)…..

We’ve taped ID’s and information in tight/plastic bags in their manes…we’ll spray fluorescent paint on them (so car headlights can see them…if they get out in the dark)…..

…..Thank God our pastures don’t share fence lines with highly-trafficked roads……

With the easterly jog of the storm…it’s hard to feel relief…because someone is getting what we’re ducking…..

This is a no-win-situation…..
…..what’s good for us…is bad for someone else…..

May Mother Nature treat you kindly…..





#hurricaneevacuation #windshear #hurricane4 #hurricane5

#2022hurricaneseason #hurricaneian #noaa #floridahurricane #meteorologist #hurricanepreparedness

2 thoughts on “***Relief***Guilt***Continued Worry***

    1. We dodged the bullet…the horses are all fine!!! There’s a green carpet of leaves and small branches everywhere, on everything, but everybody’s okay! The roof is where it’s supposed to be. Some small limbs fell on it and rolled off. The windows are all still in. The only thing I can see is the old oak in the front pasture has fallen on part of the round pen…otherwise we are all good!
      I can’t say as much for the poor people South of us…my heart and prayers go out to them…

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