~~~Redundant & Compulsive~~~

~~~Redundant & Compulsive~~~

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…..and I don’t care…..

…..being compulsive has often helped me over the years…..

…..few things can or should be ignored when floundering in the deep-end with animal-husbandry…..


…..we are revisiting the subject of botulism poisoning in horses…..

It struck again here in Florida…..

…..not our farm…..

…..twenty-two horses in Florida have recently died from Botulism Type-B poisoning…..

I’ve said before…..the mechanics of botulism poisoning is complex and confusing…..

…..it has to do with the right temperature…..combined with the right pH…..in an anaerobic environment…..

Botulism is everywhere…..it just depends on if it starts cooking “properly”…..

…..(Pruno?—Botulism Poisoning?—Prisoners?)…..

Twenty-two horses…..(sigh)…..twenty-two friends…..

…..and those are just the ones who made it onto social media…..

The “culprit” was thought to be alfalfa (again)…..

A different producer this time from what we were feeding four years ago…..


…..this year’s poisoning actually occurred several weeks ago…..I’ve since swallowed my tongue…..burned rubber on the tractor peeling out to the pasture to chain and drag TWO bales out of our pasture!…..

Moldy  Hay

…..(those bales are currently decomposing in our backyard…..a long way away from the horses)…..

I can bet that the other horses’ necropsies showed botulism poisoning in their gut…..but the hay bale samples did not test positive at all…..

…R.I.P. Violet—04/2018…

…..I can’t explain it…..I don’t understand it…..but a dead horse is a dead horse…..and the botulism came from SOMEWHERE!?!…..

For us…..our horses are on Tifton round bales again…..cheaper but not nearly as nutritious…..

…..the two expensive compressed alfalfa bales will continue to rot in the backyard…..

…..it’s entirely possible for botulism to end up in the round bales too…..(?)…..or the water trough…..(?)…..or a laced/hand-fed “treat”…..I will probably NEVER know…..

I do know that I now have a permanent eye-twitch…..and I am more vigilantly & compulsively on guard…..

…..for “what” and “how”…..I’m not sure…..but I’m vigilant as hell…..

I do know that ANY horse on my farm will be vaccinated for botulism poisoning…..I don’t even know how a vaccine would help the mechanics of a “poisoning”…..(?)…..

But they’ll all be annually vaccinated just the same…..







#vaccination #botulismvaccination #horses #floridafarm #farm #botulismtypeb #poisoning

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