Quick Post; Quick Up-Date;

Quick Post; Quick Up-Date;


I’m ashamed to say………………I drank the Kool-Aid…

I fumbled & bumbled & compromised my computer with a disease…

………..and we’ve only just dug out from a virus that crawled into the poor thing…

Apple Support was able to fix & scour & bleach everything——-but it was only after my older daughter had been on the phone with the good Apple people for over four hours and then it all got kicked upstairs to their Engineering Department…

………..(I messed things up real good).

………..(And I feel so stupid)………..

But I’d have to understand what happened in order to blog about it…

I’m real sure I couldn’t explain it…

I get left in the dust with cyber-lingo if there’s anything more complicated than “cut & paste”.




However, I do need to up-date about Addy…

She’s still plugging along…





The abscess (that I spoke about before) has finally erupted and I’m dealing with keeping it open and keeping it draining.



Irrigating Addy’s Abscess

I’m still taking her temperature…

And it’s higher than I’d like………………but it’s not as bad as it was…

It’s also very hot here right now (in the 90’s F) with no afternoon rains to bring the temperature down.

I’ve finally been able to hook up my PVC “T’ sprinkler-system which is on a timer for fifteen minutes every hour on the hour.

Chantilly Cooling Off In The Sprinkler

Both Chantilly & Addy wade into the big puddle and get sprinkled to cool themselves down…


So that’s helping to bring down their higher temperatures…

I can’t wait until all of this is in the rearview mirror.

I’m fried………….





2 thoughts on “Quick Post; Quick Up-Date;

  1. I have to ask, and this comes from someone who knows just enough to be dangerous, you do have a firewall, and a GOOD anti-virus program installed, don’t you?

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