~~~Puppy Puddles~~~

~~~Puppy Puddles~~~

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We are deep into house-training right now…..

Acacias is getting the hang of it…(kind of)…..

…..unless he doesn’t…..

…..and then it’s high-tide on the tile floor in the kitchen…..

It just comes with the territory…when you have a new puppy…..

…..if you remember…..

…..we have sink-holes under our house (yes we do)…(four or five of them)…(but they’re small)…(until they aren’t)…and our house tilts a bit…..

We’ve come to know and understand our home…..

…..(it breathes)…(we don’t ask questions)…(we just comfortably co-exist)…..

So…when Acacias accidentally pee’s…we know which way the tide is going to flow…(from the house’s tilt)…..

…..for example…..

…..we might have to throw paper towels towards the stove or the fridge…so the grout-lines don’t funnel pee under the appliances…(like the Suez Canal)…(because of the catawampas house foundation)…..

…..our kitchen is better than any elementary school Diorama…..

Like I said…puppy-rearing just takes time…and lots of rags…and positive-reinforcements…and paper towels…and cleaning solvents…..

I’m glad we live a long way from the neighbors…..

…..I feel more at ease with the necessary encouragements for Acacias on his recent doodies that he somehow managed to plop outside…..

Our praises of “Good Boy”…”Good Puppy”…”Go Outside”…”Go Outside & Go Potty”…”Good Potty”…”Good Boy”…..

…..are all said in the most unctuously/cheerful…false/falsetto cooing voices…..

I’m really glad no one can hear us except for the hounds…and a judgy Jack Russell (who doesn’t understand why we needed another puppy in the first place)…..


Hey…and while we’re at it…no one ever compliments me on my regularity(?)…(I’m feeling left out)…..


*****Inside Puppy-Plops & Puddles—#10     Success at House Training—#2.3*****


…..and so it goes…for way longer than one would expect…..

Then suddenly (over night) when they’re eight years old…they’re (almost) fully house-broken…..

…..(except when they’re not)…..

And that’s why we have tile throughout this old house…with the Suez Canal in the kitchen and the Panama Canal in the hallway…..

…..(the house likes us…I think it looks at us as entertainment)…..

…..(it lets us stay)…..






#shack #saltillotile #

#suezcanal #panamacanal #puppytraining #irishwolfhounds #hauntedhouse #acaciatree #treehouse

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