~~~Puppy Photo Op~~~

~~~Puppy Photo Op~~~



One of my daughter’s friends is a dog trainer.

She’s good at what she does.

Recently she got involved in photography…

The other evening, my older daughter’s friends all got together here for movies and junk food.

A litter of pudgy puppies turned into the focus of the evening’s entertainment…….

Alice & Bruce

…..puppies just love people-time…….

…..everyone was having a great time…….the two-legged ones and the four-legged ones…….

~~~~~puppy nuzzles~~~~~


~~~~~puppy kisses~~~~~


~~~~~puppy bellies~~~~~

~~~~~squirming, over-whelming wonderfulness of puppies~~~~~

The cameras came out.

Everything turned into a photo opportunity.

Props and accessories were even brought for added kodachromatic fun.

*****What Is Kodachrome, You May Well Ask?*****

*****Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome”*****

…..we planned a big meal for the pupple-umkins…….

…..cleaned them all up afterwards with baby-wipes…….


…..and away she went with the baby props and costumes she had brought…….

…..the puppies all had full bellies…….so they were super sleepy…….


…..dressing them up and propping them into cute poses was easy-peasy.

I’m not sure they even noticed the cameras flashing at all…….


Here are some of the photos I wanted to share…….

They are all just so adorable, aren’t they?


I’ve decided…………..we’re not selling any of them………….we are keeping them all…….



BTW~~~~~Today is World Pasta Day~~~~~Just an FYI…





2 thoughts on “~~~Puppy Photo Op~~~

  1. Well they are beautiful all of them !! Bruce looks like a good laugh, they are lovely. Hope you all are doing well.

    1. The Poopers are hale and hearty. They are coming up to six weeks old. Their personalities are all individualizing now. They are a happy fuzzy tide that greets us every morning and watches us throughout the day. They are just about to graduate from gruel to soaked/softened kibbles…..at this point I want to emulate the “101 Dalmatians” movie and keep them all…..Paulo would not approve.

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