~Puppy Naming Auction~

~Puppy Naming Auction~

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As with any Fox Hunt Club…we have a pack of Foxhounds…..

***(The American Foxhound)***

***(More Information on the American Foxhound)***

***(The English Foxhound)***

***(English Foxhound Differences to American Foxhounds)***

The Foxhound is steeped in American’s founding and America’s history…..

***(George Washington and his Foxhounds)***

There are a lot of different nuances with the different strains of Foxhounds here in the United States…..

And because we live in a very hot/humid climate…which is virtually flat & sandy…with a heavy percentage of coyotes and only a smattering of bobcats and a few foxes…..

…..we need a breed of hounds that can handle long/fast/hot/sweaty runs…..

…..Very Fast………….Very Hot…..

…not Foxhounds…but you get the idea…

Coyotes make a bee-line running away…..

…..we usually run out of venue…before we catch up with any coyote…..

What!  Wait!  Who Am I Kidding!  I’m not keeping up with anybody…..

I’m that old lady in the back with the multiple flasks on a big-assed Clydesdale…..

…..but I’m jolly…and I’m fun…..

…(there are flasks everywhere on this saddle)…

…..I’ll later hear descriptions of the “viewing”…(unless the coyote circles around and runs under my horse’s feet)…..

Otherwise…I see nothin’…..!…..

…..(but right now I can’t even get up on a horse…much less balance…and stay on)…..

Our pack of hounds is always evolving…..

The veterans teach the puppies…..

…..and new puppies need names…..

As with the tradition of our Fox Hunt…a litter of puppies are named using the first two letters of the mother’s name…..

With this litter…the bitch’s name is “Cinder”…and she whelped two females along with five males…..

…..all the puppies’ names need to begin with “Ci”…(honoring their Mom)…..

Members bid for the right to name a puppy…..

…..there was part of the Puppy Naming Auction at the recent Opening Hunt Meet…..

…..so far we have “Cinco”…”Circus”…and “Cider”…..

The remainder will be named during an On-Line Auction…..

It’s a great fund-raiser for our Hunt Club…it’s a great way to keep track of a hound’s lineage (because it’s right there in their name)…..

It’s good fun…and the named puppies then become part of our pack and our family…..

The remaining puppies were named during the Silent Auction…..

…..”Cici”…”Cisco”… and “Cid”…..

Welcome to the Family…..





#openinghuntmeet #georgewashingtonfoxhunting

#americanfoxhound #foxhunting #foxhuntclub #georgewashingtonsfoxhounds

#southcreekfoxhoundclub #mastersofthefoxhounds #englishfoxhound #foxhound

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