*Preparing For Clover & Beau*

*Preparing For Clover & Beau*

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Beau & Clover

We’ve picked up our piggies…..

…..The KuneKune Collection has arrived!…..

Our pig pens needed some touch-ups…(mostly where the goats had bashed or stood on them)…(goats are predictably destructive little items aren’t they?)…..

Remember my post on “the Gateway Goat”?….. *****(The Gateway Goat)*****

Don’t fall for that first “Gateway Goat”!…..

…..unless you’re ready for a lifetime of being outsmarted & made to feel foolish by capricious caprines…..

…..it’s their job…and they’re very good at it…..

However…I do like goat cheese…and the organic milk…..

Dr. Brigid’s Homemade Goat Cheese

…..and when they butt me one too many times…I really enjoy the goat meat curry…..

But…we are looking forward to our new Porcine Project…..

I’m interested to see how they are grazers rather than rooters & foragers…..

To that effect…..

…..we recently researched & purchased the supplies for portable electric tape fencing…..

We understand electric fencing…(all too well)…(it’s very unforgiving)…(the learning curve is enhanced by being electrocuted whenever you forget past lessons)…..

We’ve found “Portable Pasture Packages” for sale on various farm sites…(say that five times fast)…..

But rather than buying the “pre-packaged” pastures…..

We figured…we’d buy the individual rolls of electric tape…insulators…step-in posts…tighteners…etc…..

…..that way…we can customize our own piggy pastures…..

The immediate plus with a pig pasture is…the fencing doesn’t have to be “horse-high”…..

…..because pigs are short…and they don’t jump much…..

We’ll keep them in their pen at night…but let them graze during the day…..


Apparently they are easy to herd…and/or follow you to and from their pen to the pasture…plus these two come to their names…(Beau & Clover)…..

Clover & Beau & me…

…..also…they’re supposed to like aquatic plants and vegetation…(i.e. our swampy land)…..

Hopefully it will be a Win—Win Situation…..

OR…Maybe………….we’ve just begun a piggy-project where the pigs won’t herd…won’t follow us…and won’t eat swamp greenery…and will root up everything in sight…..

…..AND…they’ll be TOO adorable to eat…..

Maybe obnoxious goats are a better bet…(and curry is really tasty)…..

…..time will tell…..






#electrictapefencing #zarebaelectricfencing #mazuriswinefood #purinaswinefood

#kunekunepigs #newzealandpigs #dairygoats #darefencing #portableelectricpasturefencing

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