~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

~~~Opposable Thumbs~~~

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…(apparently raccoons don’t have opposable thumbs…who knew?)…

…..Opposable Thumbs…..

…..are they necessary?…..

…..well in this household…..apparently not…..

!~~~~~NEWS FLASH~~~~~!

I had thought I was going crazy…..(again)…..

…..but apparently there are a number of our animals who have and use other body parts in lieu of opposable thumbs…..

*****What’s An Opposable Thumb*****

In the past…..I knew Copernicus could & would turn on & off light switches…..

Copernicus & Danny

…..I even had to start taping several of his favorite switches with masking tape to make sure he wouldn’t start playing Disco-D.J. in the early morning hours…..

…..(why does everything have to happen here in the early morning hours…..?)…..

…..and let’s not forget about the conniving cat’s ability and propensity for turning on (never off) the bath tub’s (hot water) tap…..(never the cold water tap…..alway the hot one)…..

…..Yes, he does…..

…..(I worry about what could happen if we left for long weekends and Copernicus decided on playing water sports while we were gone)…..

BUT…..That’s Not Enough………….

…..because now apparently…..two of the three muses have developed additional abilities of their own…..

You see…..at night…..both Val and Sabine (two of the younger female trio) need to go into the bathroom off my bedroom…..


…..Sloane is more mature…..and better behaved overnight…..(I learned that one the hard way)…..

…..Sabine & Val…..are a bit more “laissez-faire” with their personal habits…..

…..I got tired of mopping and sanding and refinishing furniture…..

But those two…..even in their nightly containment…..have found a way to aggravate me…..


There is a light-switch to the chicken coop in that bathroom…..

I can see the coop out my bedroom window…..

…..I regularly wake up (in the wee hours of the morning…..again…..) to find the coop fully-lit…..

…..and beckoning all predators within viewing-distance…..

And Who Does This Nightly Light-Show!?!

…..why of course…..the two errant Wolfhounds…..

Val & Sabine regularly poke the light-switch with their noses…..!…..

…..so I have to get up with regularity…..

…..and switch off the coop’s light…..

I wonder if I’ll EVER get a complete night’s sleep…..?…..






#irishwolfhound #opposablethumbs #chickencoop

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