One Week…or Two Months…?…

One Week…or Two Months…?…

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What was it?…..I’m not really sure…..

I’m seeing my surgeon this week…..

…..I don’t remember what he said in the hospital…..

What with the Covid-19 situation… members aren’t allowed in the hospital…..

…..just cargo drop off…..and pick up…..

But in between…..I (the cargo/patient) was on my own…..

…..I vaguely remember being given verbal instructions…..

…..I mostly remember refusing green Jell-O…..(what is it with hospitals and bad Jello-O?)…..

…..I’m fairly sure I have some discharge paperwork…..(somewhere)…..

…..I managed to bring home the new prescriptions for medicine…..(but maybe it was because my older daughter frisked me for any pertinent-paperwork as soon as they deposited me in the car?)…..

But I do have to say…..having an advocate next to you while you’re in the hospital (who isn’t equally drugged)… a really good thing…..!…..

I know I nodded my head enthusiastically… agreement…..with all the doctor’s instructions…..

…..I remember doing that…..

…..I’m sure I was convincing…..

But the hospital discharge papers should’ve been pinned to me like my mittens were when I was a toddler…..

I’m writing down questions as I go along…..

…..with stars  &  bullet-points  &  multi-colored highlights…..

…..I’ve got one or two (or 43) of them for my doctor…..

First and foremost…..

… I have to be “careful” for one or two weeks…..

…..or was it one or two months…..?…..

Secondly…..what is “careful”?…..

I had a fairly straight forward optic-fiber operation…..

…..I’m grateful it was an ambulatory procedure…..

(Look at that earlobe…that’s an old lady earlobe…when did that happen?)

…..(even though the bruise on my neck seems to be growing)…..

I shared the floor of the hospital with others who had open-heart surgery…..

…..(how are they going to remember what’s been told to them?)…..

…..I mean…..I had the conscious-wherewithal to even consider snitching some towels…..

…..(but hospital towels are the worst)…..

…..(they aren’t big enough to cover any of the bare basics)…..(HA!)…..

Upon discharge…..I asked my nurse if I could (pretty please) ride…..

…..Nurse Ratched said…..I could pet my horse…..

…..I’m fairly sure she heard me growling as she up-ended me from the wheel chair into the car…..

I’ll find out more details later this week…..




#oneflewoverthecuckoosnest, #nurseratched

#cardiacablation, #cauterization, #covid19, #covid-19, #hospital, #wheelchair

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