***Oh wait…A New Florida Bug?***

***Oh wait…A New Florida Bug?***

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*****(Ants in Florida)*****

…..Great…I’ve discovered that there’s a new ant in town…..

…..Really?…like we needed another biting bug added to the list?…..

I found out the old-fashioned way…I got bit…..


My daughters tried to say it was my fault for being out in the garage…barefooted…..

…..I beg to differ…..

I’ve been going out in that same garage for thirty years…barefooted…and this was a first…..

I’m still dealing with stealth-squirrels (they continue breaking in & gnawing away at the corners of feed bags that are stacked there)…..

…..and the cockroaches (i.e. palmetto bugs) are ALWAYS in my boots…(I’ve never learned to tap them out ahead of time)…..

…..(I’ve coped with the inevitable cold-squoosh between my toes)…..

…..the spiders and I are co-existing…I even came to the defense of a big one…with a panicking air-conditioner repairman…last summer…..

…..but…I draw the line at invisible…vicious…biting…very-very-fast-ants…..

It was early in the morning…I was just trying to fill up the dog bowls…I was still mostly asleep…..

…..and BAM!…KABLAM!…..

…..they were all over both my feet and half-way up my legs before I knew what hit me…..

I may have gotten a little hysterical…and maybe a little more than whiny…..

…..But Come On!…..

There were these ghost ants that came out of NOWHERE…in droves…and swarmed me!…..

I didn’t cry…I could have…..

I DID wake everyone up in the household…..

I recruited every able body to help kill these invisible/swarming/vicious ants…..

…..my older daughter pointed out a healthy trail of ants that I’d stepped on…..

Hey…it was early in the morning…I’m blind in one eye…and my good eye wasn’t focusing yet…..

…..(I still think they were a new/sub-species of venomous ghost ants)…(ghost ants are a thing!)…..

Plus…those damn bugs were fast!…..

…..and Boy! Oh! Boy! did their little ant-fangs pack a punch!…..

…..it was more of a wake-up than any double/expresso shot could ever deliver…..

…..I still have to wear flip-flops until the swelling goes down…..

But…HA!…they are X-ants now…so there!…..







#fireants #ants #ghostants #palmettobugs #spiders

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