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I’m quite certain my computer’s sick…..

It’s started making internal clicky-noises after I’ve been typing for awhile…..

The noise is coming from somewhere under the keyboard…..

…..maybe it’s a lost kernel of candy corn from last Halloween…..or a Lego…..or a piece of a pretzel…..

I don’t know…..

…..we’re still looking for that lost house key……

…..whatever it is…..I don’t think it’s supposed to be there…..

If some of my near-future posts are less than stellar…..

…..it’s because my “pooter” is being sent back to the good people at Apple to be cored and peeled…..

I have a tablet I can use…..(but I don’t know where it is)…..

…..I’ve seen people do computer-stuff on their phones…..

…..I could try that…..

…..ha!…..using a phone for something other than calling people…..that’s a novel idea!…..I bet it’ll never catch on…..

…..my cell phone IS useful for its GPS to find me after I’ve fallen off my horse…..(as long as I happen to have it in my pocket)…..

…..(in the wellfields & trails behind our farm I know of at least a couple iPhones that are lost in the palmetto bushes)…..

Anyway…..I digress…..

…..my MacBook has an “appointment” today…..

…..should it be wisked away to the Apple-Geniuses…..I’ll scrounge for computers or tablets or something to type and post on…..

…..give me a qwerty-keyboard and I’m good to go…..

You’ll see me out in the front yard with a typed/crumbled up piece of paper…tossing it up to the clouds…..

…..(my neighbors have seen stranger things)…..


If I can just reach the clouds, I know Pascal will do the rest…..

*****Who’s This Pascal Dude?*****

…..and I’m sure the good Apple-people will fish out that Cheerio…..(or whatever)…..

…..(my older daughter took away my nail file when she saw me trying to pry open the keyboard)…..

…..(those Apple-Geniuses got nuttin’ on me)…..






#qwerty #thecloud #macbook #geniusbar #gps #cheerio #lego #milkbone

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