~~~Now’s The Time For A Plan~~~

~~~Now’s The Time For A Plan~~~

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Perfect timing never occurs…..

Making the best of things…is usually the best we can do…..

…..(along with always looking for and counting any blessings we can possibly find)…..

So…it’s time to put one foot in front of the other…and start making plans to find my next riding horse…..

Our Fox Hunt

I want to ride…I want to Fox Hunt…I missed this last entire season…..

…..I intend to be ready for next Fall’s Cubbing Season…..

…..I’ve got no muscle…I’ve got no callouses…but I’ll do it…..

I keep running across photos of Addy…and all I do is cry…..

…..I miss her…..


…..wallowing is rarely…if ever…productive…..

So…to that effect…at the end of last month…I started my “New Clydesdale” envelope…..

…..and I put ten dollars in it………….Hey…don’t laugh!…it’s a start…..

With Irish Wolfhound owners who’ve recently lost their beloved friend…I tell them that no one will EVER take their hound’s place…but let another hound make their own place in their hearts…..

I guess I should apply that to myself…..

And that’s why…I started my “New (maybe I should say “Next”) Clydesdale” envelope…..

………….and the beat goes on………….

It really has to…doesn’t it?…..

…..otherwise you live your life…standing still…..

Plus…I’m not even considering the wonky heart I’m currently dealing with…it’ll either be fixed…or it won’t…..

…..but I’ll deal with that later…..

I’ve already got titanium hips and knees………….I got them so I could continue riding…..

…..(I guess I’m kind of like the Tin Woodsman…rusting joints and heart issues)…..

And so…I’ll keep moving forward…..

…..you make no progress…standing in place…..

I still intend to run…with abandon…screaming like a banshee…having the Best Fun Ever!…..

………….(I was not an easy child to raise)………….

At least…that’s my current plan…for this morning…..

….at the very least…I’m ten dollars richer…..






#prematureartricularcontractions #cubbingseason #

#scf #southcreekfoxhounds #artificialjoints #banshee #cubbingseason #pac #cardiacablation

#clydesdale #clydesdalebreedsoftheusa #titaniumjoints #wizardofoz #tinwoodsman #foxhunting

2 thoughts on “~~~Now’s The Time For A Plan~~~

  1. Love your blog. I’m a friend of Pam and Jim in California. I’ve had Saddlebreds and 2 quarter horses. Had to put my boy Popper down last September from laminitis. But still not back in the saddle with my 2 new hips, too afraid.
    Keep riding, keep writing.

    1. D.H.—Thank you for your kind compliments. We sound like kindred spirits. Loosing a friend is so very hard. I intend to get back in the saddle again as soon as possible. I hope you do too. I’ve already bounced off horses (a couple times) since having artificial knees and hips. I don’t intend to make a habit of it…but the tumbles came and went without fanfare…(from 17+ hands). Give it a try. Riding…being with a horse…outdoors…is so worth it. I’ve never ridden a gaited-horse…I have enough trouble with the simple gaits…but they sure are beautiful to watch. My suggestion…climb back up on a horse and don’t look back.

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