Not Just Pythons…

Not Just Pythons…

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I know I’ve said this before…..

But there’s more to Florida than pristine beaches…..

…..beautiful sunrises over the Atlantic Ocean…..

…..equally gorgeous sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico…..

All these panoramic vistas to be enjoyed with pitchers of margaritas or blenders full of banana-daiquiri-delights…..


Now you know there are gigantic pythons lurking around the mango trees in your back yard…..

…..and alligators chasing you off the golf course…..(How Fast Can An Alligator Run?)…..

Let’s not forget the moccasins who are curled up in the dark recesses of your garage…..

…..or the colorful coral snake snuggled in the toe of your shoe…..

There are fire ants waiting to swarm all over your flip-flops and your feet…..

…..which is usually followed by a very identifiable/hyper “fire-ant-dance” with accompanying/frantic removal of clothing…..

Not Exactly Fire Ants…but you get the idea…

And those yearly love-bug’s…with their bi-annual droves…..

…..they insist on suicide-smashes onto car grills and windshields or your teeth…only to be removed with elbow-grease & putty knives or industrial dental floss…..

Of course we can’t forget the run-of-the-mill…humvee-sized mosquito infestations…..

…..what would Florida be without them…..?…..

…..we all live with semi-anemia from being the mosquito’s constant smorgasbord…..

*See…I should be a spokesperson for the Florida’s Board of Tourism?  Don’t You Think?*

But wait…….there’s more…..

Bet you haven’t heard about the (very large) Iguana-population-explosion…..(?)…..

…..(didn’t think so)…..

…’s a thing…..

***Information About Iguanas In Florida***

I’ve been told it got it’s start…much like the pythons…..

… cool pets…..

…..who got bigger…and meaner…and more demanding…..

…..and not so much fun anymore…..

*************And Where Do They Thrive*************

…..Why In Sunny Florida…Of Course…..!!!…..

There are loads of now-feral iguanas roaming around southern Florida…..

…..and they don’t prefer the rural areas like their reptilian python cousins…..

…..they seem to prefer the burbs…..

They like the edged lawns…and the car-pools…and the potted shrubberies…and the PTA…..

Years ago I found an iguana’s skeleton in our back yard…(it was picked clean…but still identifiable because of the spines along its back)…..

…(okay…this is not an iguana skeleton)…

… had been dropped there probably as a post-snack by some bird of prey…..


…..but gruesome…..

…..Florida is certainly not for the faint of heart…..

…..and don’t forget your sunscreen…..




#floridaboardoftourism #daiquiri #margarita #alligator #humvee #coralsnake #birdofprey 

#florida #floridabeaches #gulfofmexico #atlanticocean #iguana #python #fireants #mosquitoes #anemia

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