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It’s time………….


I’ve got the supplies…I’ve got the equipment…I’ve got the clothes…I’ve got the hat…..

I also have a new (as yet unused) deck…..

…..(well…un-used by the bees anyway)…..

…..the deck was made…specifically for my hives…..

Now…I need…the bees…..

I was just called by the Florida State Department of Agriculture for their annual survey about how many hives I’m currently working…..

…..it was so sad to say………….none…..

I understand their need to keep track of all of the bee hives in the State…..

…..what with varroa mites…and hive beetles…and carpenter ants…and the neonicotinoids…..

…..(What’s a Neonicotinoid…You Ask?)…..

…..(What the Sierra Club Currently Said About Neonicotinoids)…..

Well…it’s a huge/dark rabbit hole that’ll take up an afternoon’s research…..

…..(for years…and years…and years)…..

And let’s not forget about the Murder Hornets…..

(*Excuse Me*—*They’ve Been Re-named*—Now they are:  ***!The Northern Giant Hornet!***(who murder bees)…..

…..(I guess their name…”murder hornet”…was xenophobic and elicited too much hate-mail)…..

However…I don’t believe the…Northern Giant Hornet…has been spotted in Florida…yet…..

One year…(years ago)…I actually harvested quite a lot of honey…..

…..lots of jars of tasty/dark honey…that I called “Swamp Honey”…..

…(empty of bees)…

…..but then…the bees went away…..

And every time I’d try to re-populate…re-position…re-adapt my two hives…..

…..the bees would go away…..


…..along with my new (less-likely-to-be-submerged) bee-hive-decking…in a nice sunny location…FAR from the front road (and the Mosquito Control Spray trucks)…that will be fenced off from sun-bathing goats…..

Maybe…JUST MAYBE…my hives will have a chance to do their hive-thing in a healthy-(ish)…and (fairly) undisturbed little area…that they can call their own…..

I even think I have a plan for controlling & stopping the creepy/crawling/dastardly carpenter ants…..

They were my huge nemesis during my last go’round with honey bees…..


It was sad and exhausting…..

Now………….me and Mother Nature will try again…we are ready to do battle for our bee-buddies….

…(Mother Nature)…

…..I might have to wait until after the next heart surgery…when I’m at my sprint-able best…..

………….but I’m makin’ plans………….

…..Thank You, Monsanto….(Oops!  Click On This To Read!  Bayer Bought Monsanto In A Huge Cash Deal & Subsequently Dropped The Negatively Charged Name—“Monsanto”)…(silly me)…(but the neonicotinoids are still out there)…..





#glyphosates #pesticide #herbicide

#monsanto #bayerpharmaceuticals #bayerchemicals #suddenhivecollapse #neonicotinoids #roundup

2 thoughts on “…….Newbies…….

    1. In the last location (which was too low during the rainy season), I put diatomaceous earth all around the base of the hives. It didn’t work because the water would rise and wash it away quickly. I’m hoping with the legs of the decking that I can restrict the access route for the carpenter ants to the hives. Plus IF the hives are strong enough…they should be able to keep the ants out themselves…but they’ve never been strong enough so far. (sigh)
      I’m not giving up…

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