My Truck

My Truck

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My truck is gone…..

It’s waiting in line to be fixed…(it seems…good diesel mechanics are few and far between)…..

I miss my truck…..

It’ll be repaired soon…..

The poor thing sighed and died…(my older daughter saw that the starter was cracked?)…..

I miss my truck…I need it for so many things…..

Suzanne-Annette came to the rescue though…..

She let us borrow her truck…(it’s a four-door/dually too)…..

Suzanne-Annette’s extra truck…

…’s tough for a farm to function without a truck…..

Another (non-farm) friend was surprised that someone would have an “extra” truck to lend out…..

We have two trucks…a one-ton and a 3/4-ton…(both of them…not working)…..

… the past we’ve lent out our extra truck…..

I guess it’s a farm-thing…..

But I miss mine…..

…..and I’m awaiting the litany of things that need fixing…..

When someone’s extra farm truck gets lent out…there’s usually an explanatory list that comes along with it…..

All old farm trucks have their individual quirks…..

Suzanne-Annette’s truck is no exception…its tailgate doesn’t have a handle…so you have to put your fingers in (way up high) and really squeeze two doo-dahs together…until you feel AND hear a click…..

…..then when you lift…and tug (just a little)…it should come down……

And you know………….it did…..

Also…when you take the keys out…and it keeps “binging”…you can’t leave it like that…..

…’s not really off…..

You have to put the keys back in and jiggle them…until the binging stops…..

Plus…we discovered a new one…..

…..the motorized back passenger window wouldn’t go back up…..

I know that tell-tale “clicking sound” (from past truck windows) when the automatic window motor is about to crap out…..

…..but my older daughter found that if she kept the engine running…(And In Gear)…then the window would slowly crawl back up…..(phew).

But…if Suzanne-Annette’s truck was left idling…(And In Park)…then the window motor would just un-productively click away…..

…..(We’ll add that one to Suzanne-Annette’s truck’s “quirk-list”)…..

*****Pet Peeve #372:  Why don’t “they” make crank windows anymore?  Old-fashioned crank windows that never break and leave you sweltering in the heat/freezing in the cold/or soaking in the rain?*****

In the past our Fox Hunt Club had “Old Blue”…..

…..”Old Blue” was a great banged-up standard shift truck that could follow the Hunt field anywhere…AND…”Old Blue” had crank windows…(I notice these things)…..

Soon…My Truck will come home…..

…..did I mention…I miss it?…..

…..I hope the Library-Over-Due Charges won’t be too high…I hope this mechanic is a good one…..






#truckstarter #crankwindows

#fordtrucks #motorizedwindows #dieselmechanic #dieseltruck #oldtruck #fseriestruck

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