***My Pony Gets A Trim***

***My Pony Gets A Trim***

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It’s that time of year…..again…..

The horse’s winter coats are coming in…..

…..more than what’s necessary…..

Draft horses (especially) get wooly and fuzzy and furry in the winter…..

…..which is okay for the frigid North…..

…..but really not so much in the tepid/luke-warm/chilliness of one of Florida’s sub-tropical winters…..

Body clipping enables us to get in closer to the skin…..shovel out the dandruff…..

…..spatula off the grease…..and disinfect the residual fungus left over from the humid summer heat…..

Anja  &  Addy

Enter Suzanne-Annette~~~~~~~Clipper-Technician Extrodinaire~~~~~~~

…..in her plaid/flannel pajama pants…..

…..(if I remember correctly…..she wore them last year too)…..

She arrived…..ready for the task at hand…..

…..which was…..


The big/hairy beastie tried to act like she had never seen a pair of clippers before…..

…..and they were going to consume her bit by bit…..and tooth by tooth…..


Suzanne-Annette did NOT even consider “NO” as a possibility…..

…..Addy started stomping her petite/princess/pancake hoofies at us…..

…..and I pulled out the twitch…..

…..and I had her upper lip twitched for the remainder of the clip-session…..

She was not a happy pony…..but I’m a no-nonsense kind of person…..

…..plus…..she’s a nineteen-hand-brute!…..

…..(like my father always said…..”she doesn’t pay the mortgage…..so she doesn’t get a say in the matter”)…..

(Trimming Off Addy’s Leg Feathers…Step #1…Shears…)
(Step #2…Clippers…)
(Is This Too Dark To See The Patterns?)






#bodyclipping #florida #floridawinter #horseclippers #subtropicalflorida #horseclipping

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