Mud ~~ Ducks ~~ and Baby Horses

Mud ~~ Ducks ~~ and Baby Horses

After a dry period of time…..

…..our weather changed abruptly over the last couple of days…..

A deluge of rain hit us on a couple of occasions…..

…..after a period of solid ground…..

…..we are suddenly back into muddy slop and muddy puddles…..

But I don’t like it…..

The ducks and the foal are absolutely in hog-heaven…..

…’s a sliding mud-derby for everybody…..

The ducks are sleeker and cleaner…..

…..but I can’t say as much for R.M……

He’s a mud-ball…..and loving it…..

It’s at times like this where I prefer dark horses…..

…..the mud doesn’t show up on them as much…..

…..but on a predominately white baby horse…..

…..we’re not so lucky…..

…..he’s a mess…..and having a blast…..

This whole rain-thing that’s dripping out of the air is thoroughly intriguing to him…..

…..the thunder gives him an opportunity to turn himself inside-out and do cartwheels…..

He’s loving it…..

All the grown-ups are non-plussed by the rain…..

…..with the exception that their white/Clydesdale socks are a mess…..

…..they’re not very impressed with the weather…..

But the ducks and the foal are busy…..busy…..busy…..!!!…..

The Runner Ducks are…..well…..running…..

…..from puddle to puddle…..and back again…..

The chickens are…..well…..mad as wet hens about it all…..

…..but the ducks and R.M. thinks it’s all the coolest thing ever…..

I’d like to interject here…..that he made such a big deal about his bath a couple weeks ago…..but now the deluge of rain is just the best thing EVER!…..

I think we’re done with the impromptu rainstorms for a little while…..

…..this is the dry season after all…..

But in the mean time…..

…..Foal  &  Fowl are having a Blast!…..






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