***Moon Craters***

***Moon Craters***

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Over the years people have asked me if Irish Wolfhounds like to dig holes…..

I’d like to say…No…..

But I can’t…..

…..to be totally transparent…They Do Dig…but with no real purpose or direction…..

They don’t dig to get out…they don’t dig under the fencing…..

…..but our hounds have turned our backyard (right outside the back porch door) into a moonscape…..

There are big holes…there are small trenches…there are holes that connect to other holes…..

…..there are holes that poor/little/unsuspecting Acacias has fallen into…..

…..he was so confused and perplexed…..


We are intending to build a deck outside the back door…..

I already have the lumber stacked and ready to go…we’ll use telephone poles that we can cut shorter to support the deck…..

Theoretically…the hounds will love the new deck and want to lay & nap on it…(theoretically)…..

…..maybe it will stop them from pock-marking the back yard with their random digging?…..

I’m hoping it will help to minimize the amount of dirt and mud that gets traipsed through the porch and into the house…..

I’m hoping the hounds will want to lay on the new decking when it’s finally done…and not insist on lounging in their self-created caverns…..

It would be so much less messy…and safer…..

…..(because they would be up above the slithering critters of the poisonous-reptilian-variety)…..

…a Rat Snake…(not one of the poisonous ones)…

…..the snakes could still climb up…but it would be less likely…..

…..and then…when the rainy season begins…the hounds could lay on the decking…drip dry a bit…and (theoretically) drop some of the excess sand (mud) that usually cakes their coats…..

Well…that’s my plan…..

…..it really looks good on paper…but where Wolfhounds are concerned…..

…..they may or they may not get with the program…..

…..they are independent (obstinate) thinkers…..

I do know…I’m tired of going out the back door at night and falling knee-deep into their pointless strip mining…..

And having lived here for over thirty years…there have been one or two forgotten grave locations…..

Maybe…just maybe…..

…..we’ve had to run down a couple hounds who were larking & tossing an unidentified bone between themselves…..

See…adding a deck could stop all of this macabre grave-robbing…..

…..I hate having to guess who they might be tossing around the back yard…..

It’s just wrong…so wrong…..

…..and I don’t want to talk about it…..

Geez!  Louise!







#irishwolfhound #graves #porchdeck #telephonepoles #bones #skeleton

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