~~~~~~~Melon Options~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~Melon Options~~~~~~~

What’s a plugged watermelon…..?…..you’ve asked…….?

…….I will explain…….

It’s a rind-covered, party-in-a-package…

…that’s what it is…

It’s a super fun…

(Why of course, this is me)

…and healthy snack…

…..with a twist…

You get your fiber…

You get one (1) of your daily fruit servings (at least)…

…..but it’s EVER-SO-MUCH more funner than that!!!

***Plugging Instructions #1***

Plus…..it’s not just limited to watermelons…!

…..you can plug honeydew melons…

***Plugging Instructions #2***

…you can plug cantaloupes…

…..I suppose you could plug bananas…..(although I haven’t personally tried that fruit yet)…

…..I started out with vodka…

…..got experimental with rum…

…..got caught short once without any vodka or rum…..and resorted to my mediocre bourbon…


***Plugging Instructions #3***

…..I’ve tried red wine…..(I don’t recommend it)…

…..white wine is lightly adequate…

…..and using champagne…..well…..that’s just a waste of good champagne…

…..I would (however) recommend swigging from a chilled bottle of champagne WHILE plugging a watermelon with a different alcohol of your choice…

…..but all in all…..a plugged watermelon is a party favorite…..

…..plus you can curl up in a corner with your bowl of fresh fruit, and quietly munch on your melon…..AND you are less likely to call attention to yourself with multiple trips to the bar or the keg…..

……………………..and that’s a plugged watermelon………………………


………………………and eat responsibly………………………






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