Maybe (probably) the Corona Virus

Maybe (probably) the Corona Virus


Apparently it’s not just exclusively for dogs anymore………….

Dr. Stevie Wonder has had his conclave with his equine, blood-chemistry guru in Ocala.

They both agree that given Addy’s symptoms and comparative bloodwork that she most probably has the corona virus…

I didn’t even know it was a virus that horses could catch now……………but apparently they can!?!


……………Addy has the newly discovered secondary symptoms…

She doesn’t have any of the upper respiratory issues (that are more common in horses) at this time, but she does have the other innocuous gut issues…

The good news is that IF this in what Addy does have, then what I am currently doing is the right thing to do.

Treat the symptoms:

***Banamine as a fever reducer when necessary.

***Ranitidine twice daily for stomach upset &/or ulcers

(caused by the excessive use of Banamine)

***SMZ’s twice daily as the antibiotic of choice.

(SMZ’s = sulfamethoxazole & that’s why we all abbreviate it to SMZ’s.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There’s been another woman locally who owns a Clydesdale who had very similar symptoms.

He’s been struggling for four or five months.  Now, he’s gone off his feed and has neurologic, staggering issues………………….!!!

I’ll attach a couple articles that help to explain the corona virus and the ways it can affect horses………………

*****Explanation Of The Corona Virus In Horses*****

*****More Info On The Corona Virus In Horses*****




I found it interesting that the first recorded incident of the corona virus in horses was at a racetrack in Japan not too long ago where they race a kind of draft horse…

I wonder if drafts are more susceptible to this type of virus?

……………………… job is to continue taking temperatures, and continue grinding up pills (over thirty, two times a day), and continue drenching and camouflaging it all with maple syrup (imitation)-(I bought a bunch of big bottles)-(my kitchen counter and Addy’s face is really sticky now)…






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