~Let’s Talk Fenugreek~

~Let’s Talk Fenugreek~

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Fenugreek…..it’s a thing…..

It really is…..

It’s an herb…or a root…or a leaf…..or some such thing…..

…..I’m not really sure…..

But it is one of the tricks-of-the-trade…..

…..because when the herb is added to a mother’s dogs food…..it tends to increase her milk volume…..

…..which is a good thing…..

As you probably remember…..we have dairy goats…..(which is another good thing)…..

…..(especially when it comes to nursing puppies)…..

Irish Wolfhounds quite often don’t produce enough milk for their puppies…..hence…..

*********************Goat Milk To The Rescue*********************

…..(however none of our does are producing milk at the moment)…..(sigh)…..

…..BUT…..my friend…..the good Doctor Brigid…..still has several of her LaMancha dairy goats who are still producing milk…..


…..(double phew!)…..

(Sorry for the blurriness)…

Willow is producing a good quantity of milk for her babies…..with the exception of one little, tiny girl…..

…..who needs to be tube-fed…..

Tube-Feeding Paraphernalia

…..she’s a little too weak to get what she needs from mom…..and I want to make sure she gets more than enough nutrition…..

…..before her (much bigger) sisters push her off mom’s teat…..

Willow And Her Babies…

Tube-feeding is the way to go for her…..

…..and Doctor Brigid came to the rescue with donated fresh goat milk…..

I don’t know if the little girl will make it………….I can only try…..

…..I’ll use everything that’s in my bag-of-tricks…..

…..she will have a warm/full belly…..

But…..it is ultimately up to Mother Nature…..

I’ll try hard………….but She always rules…..

When this little girl came home…..after the cesarean-section…..she felt chilled…..

I think I’ve mentioned that old dog breeder’s adage…..”A Chilled Puppy Is A Killed Puppy”…..

(Me Blowing Hot Air Onto The Puppy)…

…..so I stuffed her down my shirt…..I figured my hot-flashes shouldn’t go to waste…..

The little pupper pulled through that incident…..

…..but she’s still so tiny compared to her sisters…..

Just this morning though…..she pushed one of her big/burly sisters off of a teat and took over…..!…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope Springs Eternal~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…..little girl…..you keep fighting that good fight…..

…..(to be continued)…..






#irishwolfhound #puppies #irishwolfhoundpuppies #cesareansection #fenugreek #lamanchadairygoat

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