~~~I’ve Gone Feral Again~~~

~~~I’ve Gone Feral Again~~~

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There are times…..(like this one)…..

…..where I understand that it is a good thing that I live on a dead-end road in the swamp…..

There are times…..where I truly understand that I don’t fit in normal/civilized society anymore…..

…..I need to stay put…..in my swamp…..

I don’t dress right…..(just to begin with)…..

…..Patrice and I are at peace with that…..

I understand that when I am recognized at various stores (when I do go out)….

Me…Patrice…and Caesar…

…..that it’s not my riveting/unique personality or pleasant conversation that make people remember me…..

…..it’s Patrice…..

…..(***What’s A Patrice***)…..

Patrice & I gimp into a social-situation…..and people “remember” us…..

…..I’m “that” old lady in the heady over-alls…..

…..I’m sure comments are made…(don’t make sudden movements)…..(look small)…..(avert your eyes)…..(back away slowly)…..(find a tree to climb)…..

It happens all the time…..

Patrice & I are cool with it…..


…..recently…..(after being sequestered with a litter of Irish Wolfhound puppies for too long)…..

…..I find it hard to behave appropriately…..(well…more than usual)…..

Patrice and I both realize that we have abandoned some personal-grooming routines…..

…..for example…..my hair…..

…..permanent Bed-Head…..and just maybe…..that’s not mousse that’s stuck in it…..

…..(we all know it’s not mousse…..I don’t use mousse)…..it’s either curdled milk…..or worse…..


…..maybe I shouldn’t talk about it…..

Patrice has slobbered/soaked/& dried…..puppy kibbles slathered all over her…..

…..it feels kind of like wearing eroding sandpaper…..

…..there are dust-cloud that follows us…..

I believe we smell like well-ripened cheese…..

My bank appreciates that we use the drive-thru…..

…..the tellers recognize us too…..

This time of year…we start getting Northern tourists…..(who’ve come down to escape their severe winters above the Mason-Dixon-Line)…..


*****Mason-Dixon-Line Explained*****

Patrice & I occasionally run into them (and their tropical shirts) in our local Winn-Dixie grocery store…..

…..you can hear their flip-flops snapping…..as they quickly change aisles to avoid us…..

…..I enjoy their suntan oil’s coconut/pina colada smell…..it’s better than ripened-cheese…..

…..I wonder what impression we leave…..?…..

But I digress…..(and I don’t care)…..

…..we’re at the point with this litter of puppies…..

…..if I didn’t fit in before…..I REALLY don’t fit in now…..

…..Patrice & I need a good laundering…..a spackle-knife to remove puppy-residue…..and maybe flash-cards to help communicate with other people again…..

…………………………….Oh Why Try!?!…………………………….

……………………………I’ll just go back into my swamp…………………………….







#florida #swamp #irishwolfhounds #puppies #masondixonline #bedhead

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