~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

~~~It’s “That” Month Again~~~

Tra!  La!

I love October!

It’s here again…..!…..

Prosecco & Friend

I have years and years of accumulated Halloween decorations…..

I’d start decorating in August if I could get away with it…..

…..as it is…..

Our zombie gnome stays on top of the refrigerator all year long…..

…..and we have a big ceramic Jack-O-Lantern who always has a candle burning in him on the hearth…..

…..and then there’s the trio of “see-no-evil/say-no-evil/hear-no-evil skulls on the mantel (all year long)-(covered in dust)…..

…..I feel the dust-coating is a necessary addition to the authenticity of the decoration’s ambiance…..

I have one wall in the den where I put up “seasonal fairy lights”…..

…..yesterday my older daughter and I scaled the ladder innumerable times to take down the summer’s festive posies (in multiple blinking colors) and to add a Halloween change…..

…..We have the obligatory white string of twinkling lights…..

…..but we’ve added a purple and a green strand too…..

(I had to vinegar-soak & clean the strand of crystal prisms that were already up there)

(damed flies)

…………………And Voila…………………

Instant Spooky Ambiance…..

I’ve already gotten a ginormous bag of candy (in hiding) for the Trick-or-Treaters (who never come)…..

…..oh well…..

…..what a shame…..

It’s never really a problem dispatching the excess candy…..

I’m already planning my Tea with our Fox Hunt Club…..

It will actually be on Halloween…..because Halloween falls on Saturday this year…..

…..it will be at the infamous Croom Forest…..

(for those of you who have forgotten…..

…..that’s where we all got stuck last spring in the deluge/resulting mud/and impassable forest service roads)

…..What Fun…..!

But it will be (theoretically) the dry season by the end of this month…..(we will see)…..

Also…..Halloween will have a Blue Moon on that day…..

…..I guess it occurs on Halloween every nineteen or twenty years…..


*****Moon Information*****

I don’t know what will be on my Tea’s menu yet…..

…..I do know excessive amounts of lumpy/home-made mashed potatoes will be on it…..

…..it’s always a favorite with our Hunt Club…..

…..So In The Mean Time…..

I will be watching all of the re-run Halloween movies I can find…..

My daughters will be having friends over to watch marathons of “Halloween Town”, “Hocus Pocus”, “Practical Magic”, “Young Frankenstein”, and “The Rocky Horrow Picture Show” (old & new)…..

I love this holiday season…..

Let the games begin…..!…..





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