………….It’s Begun………….

………….It’s Begun………….

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It’s the first day of the 2022 Hurricane Season…..

It’s begun…..

“They” say it should be more active than last year…..(?)…..


“They” know what they’re talking about…..

***2022 Hurricane Predictions by NOAA***

Apparently the on-going (very active) La Niña is responsible for the up-tick in storms…..

She’s just dancing away out there stirring up meteorological trends and tendencies…..

…..those tendencies could have their tendencies right over us…..





…..(I really don’t want to do this again…..but no one ever asks me for my vote on the matter)…..

…..(it’s above my pay-grade)…..

So I’m doing my annual prep-work…..

….which consists of a check-list including…..accumulating extra batteries…..dusting off the crank-radio…..counting the stored PVC pipes (to make sure there’s still enough for the water well’s hand-pump)…..

…..(some of the PVC might have been “borrowed” for other projects over the past year)…..

…..Ole’ Sparky still needs to be checked over and polished…..does anyone still gap spark plugs anymore?…..


…..(I’ve still got my dad’s AND my grandfather’s gapping-measurement-thingies)…..

***The Old-Fashioned Art Of Gapping A Spark Plug***

“Ole Sparky”

…..(apropos nothing…..I was taught about the spark plug gaps at the same time I was taught how to pack a wheel bearing)….(messy but another necessary antique ability)…..

***Messy Bearing Grease Can Be Fun***

…..I think it’s too soon to fill the extra/storage gas tanks and diesel tanks…..

…..(maybe if I wait…..the price per gallon will go down…..what do you think?)…..ha!…..


I think my daily probiotics have helped to re-coat my stomach-lining over the past year…..

…..just in time to start wearing it down again with all the pending potential of the Tropics and their storms…..





#hurricanes #2022hurricaneseason #packingwheelbearings #gappingsparkplugs #dieselprices #gasolineprices #noaa #lanina #pvc #tropicalstorms

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