It’s April Fools Day Again

It’s April Fools Day Again

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If you’ve forgotten that today is April Fools Day…there’s still time…..

I’ve accumulated some of the newly suggested ideas for April Fools high jinx…..

*****(Suggestion Page #One)*****

…..some are oldies but goodies…some are this year’s new creative ideas for your use…..

*****(April Fool’s Day Suggestions #2)*****

…..some are just down right cruel…..

*****(Wikipedia & April Fools Day)*****

Here are some texting ideas for April Fools…..

*****(April Fool’s Day Texts)*****

There seems to be a collected consensus that the origins of April Fools is not really clear…..

…..but that doesn’t matter…it’s still fun…..

*****(Gag Gift Ideas)*****

*****(April Fool’s Day Ideas #3)*****

I do like the one about taping over the optical sensor for a friend’s computer mouse…..

…..(unfortunately…that would stump me for hours)…..

*****(The Roman Holiday—“Hilaria”)*****

*****(More April Fools Day Minutia)*****

*****(Some of the Best Historic April Fools Jokes)*****

There’s not much more I can say about the Day…other than to smile and…..








#aprilfirst #aprilfoolsday #aprilfoolspranks

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