Irish Wolfhounds……….Gotta Love ‘Em…(?)

Irish Wolfhounds……….Gotta Love ‘Em…(?)


I do love Irish Wolfhounds…

Our Den & The Hounds

I love the breed’s antiquity…

I love the legends that go along with these hounds…

Sweetie Pie Napping On Her Friends




I love their regal goofiness…


Hadrian and Danny

I love seeing their cameos in medieval movies…




I love that they are easier to groom than my own hair…………(I neglect both)…






…and…right now I want to choke them…………..


They are the worst at reproducing!


Fey did a great job at creating fifteen puppies…

…………..did you catch that?…………..FIFTEEN PUPPIES!!!

She did a wonderful job at percolating the pups inside of her…

Baby Irish Wolfhound

Fey was so interested in Molly’s babies that I thought she was going to be a great mother herself…

Molly’s Puppies


Fey created fifteen beautiful puppies in a beautiful array of colors…


And then she neatly folded up her apron, and dusted the flour off her hands/paws………and she was done!


She wants NOTHING to do with them……..!!!!!…….at all.


…………………………….so, it’s all on me now…

I’ve got quantities of raw goat milk.


I’ve even got goat milk colostrum.

And apparently, I’ve got the time.

So……………………….have baby bottle will travel…


Every three hours……………

Around the clock……………

It takes an hour and a half to feed all fifteen…


I’m cross-eyed tired and I smell like sour goat milk and puppy poo…………(I don’t recommend it)…

This Is Not Fey’s Litter


I tried having the puppies nurse from Fey………………..I really did…

But when she tried repeatedly to gnaw on their heads, I figured it wasn’t prudent to continue.


I abandoned that exercise……toot sweet……



Dear ole’ Fey even made an apathetic attempt and a casual snap at one of them when I lifted him out of the RubberMaid tub (which is their home)…



She’s a maiden mother.

I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Baby Irish Wolfhound

But I’m not going to give her back her puppies.

I’m hoping to keep all fifteen going.

Itty Bitty

I’m working hard at it…………..but Irish Wolfhound neonate puppies are so frail and fragile.

But I’ll keep at it…………..that’s for sure.



Hadrian (their Grandfather) is more interested and helpful than Fey.


So…………………….it’s just Hadrian and me……………………….around the clock…


…………..dried, sour goat milk in my hair……………

…………..dried, yellow puppy poopie under my cuticles…………..

I am the Swamp Hag.



That moniker couldn’t fit me any better right about now………..

…………………well, never mind…………………

Must go………..

………..Hadrian and I have puppies to raise…





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