*Indiscretions and Ice Cream*

*Indiscretions and Ice Cream*

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It’s time to get realistic…..(again)…..

I’ve been partaking for far too long with far too much over-indulgence in ice cream…..

I’ve become a miscreant of the frozen food aisle of our local Winn Dixie grocery store…..

…..Blue Bell…..you haunt me so…..

You’re easily stack-able in our freezer…..

…..your containers make good use of the space (that would otherwise be taken up by unnecessary frozen vegetables)…..

…..and thus maximizing the availability of the freezer for more…..

…..ICE CREAM….!…..

I’ve learned a variety of ways to quickly overcome the inconvenience of brain-freeze…..

I know the best spoons in the drawer for the most effective consumption…..

I’ve abandoned the use of bowls…..eating out of the container is a-okay…..(except for the aggravation of frost-bitten fingertips)…..

…..(plus there are less dishes to wash)…..



Blue Bell…..You Taunt Me So!…..

How do you keep the marshmallows from freezing solid and still remain fluffy and sweet in your hyperborean delights…..?…..

One Can Not Choose…..One Has To Eat Them ALL!…..!…..!

I’m not an emotional-eater……I DO eat my feelings though…..ALL of my feelings…..the good and the bad…..the happy and sad……and the mediocre….

…..you name the sentiment and I’ll toast it with ice cream…..

But sadly…..let’s get real…..this Blue Bell Extravaganza has got to wind down to a close…..

…(this photo’s out of focus because I’m grabbing the ice cream so fast so I can eat it)…

…..sad but true…..

My minor infraction…..my slight vice and transgression has turned into a venial sin…..

Ice cream IS a complex carbohydrate…..sadly…..that is true…..

My T-shirts are rolling up…..the sleeves are like tourniquets…..and my unforgiving/judgy Wrangler jeans…..


…..(I don’t want to talk about it)…..

The time has come…..Blue Bell…..we must part ways…..


…..but not quite yet…..I still have to eat through the remaining containers currently/efficiently stacked in my freezer…..







#bluebellicecream #icecream #venialsin #winndixie #complexcarbohydrates #obese #rockyroad

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