~~~In Search Of A Sabino~~~

~~~In Search Of A Sabino~~~

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…sabino colored Clydesdales…

The weather is so inhospitable right now…going outside is something to avoid…..

I’m looking at photos of my hearty friends venturing out on trail rides with their horses…..

I have to admire them…I have to admire their mounts…I’m hoping they’re out on the trails when it’s still quasi-cool in the early mornings…(but it’s never cool)…..

Claire and Anja and Brave would faint if they were asked to exercise right now…..

…..they are so unfit and squooshie…they’re marshmallows on hooves…..

I’m still looking for my next riding horse………….slowly…………but I’m looking…..

…..(it’s therapeutic for me)…..

Claire & Addy

I miss Addy a lot…..

Friends are sending me photos of available Clydesdale mares…..


I want to find a registered Clydesdale………….a mare………….preferably sabino-coloring…..

I don’t know if I’ve explained “sabino” before…but it begs to be repeated…..

…not sabino…

The best way to explain sabino is to call it “roaning”…white flecking…or salt & pepper over-tones…..

…..what it does genetically…is it sets up the scenario for a baby to be spotted…..


Brave is spotted…..

…..he’s considered tri-colored…..


He’s predominately brown & white but he also has black edging to a number of his spots…..

…..he has a propensity to throw spotted babies…but it’s not guaranteed…..

…not sabino…

However…by adding a sabino-colored mare to the mix…the chances of a spotted foal increases…..

So…I’m looking for a Clydesdale…and I’m looking for a mare…with a sabino colored coat…..

…sabino…under her winter coat…

…..it would be nice if she was already trained to ride and drive…and even better if she’s already had at least one foal…..

I’m not asking for too much?…am I?…..

Claire & Addy

Keep in mind…Addy wasn’t a sabino…she was all black…really cool…but a black Clydesdale…..

…..(okay…I’ll be the first to admit…I always break my own rules)…..

…not sabino…

My friend recently sent me a photo of a beautiful mare up North who meets all the criteria…..

…..now I just have to hope she’s still available…when I’m done with all my medical crap & health hiccups…..


…..and I’m actually able to step back up into the saddle again………….and ride…..

Hope Springs Eternal…It Always Should…It Always Needs To…..






#prematureatrialcontractions #clydesdalebreedersoftheusa #roan

#clydesdale #sabino #southcreekfoxhounds #scf #mastersoffoxhoundsofnorthamerica #cardiacablation

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