…..in search of…..

…..in search of…..

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Just in case you were wondering…..

…..I’m still looking…..

I’ve added some more to my cash envelope for my next Hunt horse…..

…..but…it’s not impressive…..

I’ve been scouring the internet for the perfect Clydesdale mare…..

…a mare I considered…(but she’s not sound)…

This Hunt Season has already started…..

…..they’re only a few Hunts in…..

And lets not forget…I don’t have my truck back yet…either…..

…..(geez…I’m starting to sound pathetic)…..

But I have located a farm out in California which has some beautiful sabino Clydesdales for sale…..

…(both sabino-colored)…(but not for sale)…

…..(Remember “sabino”?  That genetic-marker-thing that will help ensure spotted babies when combined with Brave?)…..

*****(Sabino-Coloring—And The Search Thereof)*****

Chantilly had sabino-coloring…but she was unsound and I was unaware that she had  “the heaves”…(sadly…she didn’t survive)…

…..anyway…in the perfect world…that’s what I’m looking for in my next Clydesdale mare…..

Perfect World?………….I don’t think we live in one…..

…..plus what’s that old expression?…..

If wishes were horses…then…beggars would ride…..

Actually………….that really has worked out for me (wishes)…a lot of the time…..

…..so I’ll keep wishing…manifesting…visualizing…..


There are a couple worth considering out in California…..

…..if it weren’t for the price…..

…..or the distance…..

There’s one is Tennessee…but she’s not really Sabin-organized enough…..

I’ll keep looking…..

I’ve got time and the Internet…..

Does anyone remember the free printed newspaper-books that were specifically for livestock or horses?…..

You could find them at your local convenient store…..

…..there were newsprint guides specifically for boats…or cars…or houses…or cats & dogs…..

I guess that was all pre-computer…..

~~~~~as an aside…the other day…my older daughter said~~~~~

~~~”Mom…remember before GPS…when you had to GoogleMap a location…and print it off…and tape it to your car’s dashboard…to find where you were going?”~~~

…..(I was speechless)…(she was just so cute)…..

I would like you to know…I have folded paper maps in my truck right now…..

…..(it just makes me feel more secure)…(I used to keep a dime…then a quarter…for the pay phones…but I don’t do that anymore)…..

But I’ll continue keeping the paper maps…..

However…I am appreciative of the Internet for Horse-Hunting…the options are so much vaster…..

…..even though California is still so far away…..







#googlemaps #equineheaves

#clydesdalehorseassociationofamerica #sabinocoloring #mastsersofthefoxhounds #mfh #gps

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