*****Idalia…the days after*****

*****Idalia…the days after*****

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Hurricane Idalia did as promised and motored through…..

We were incredibly lucky…..

We only had extra wind and extra rain…..

…..others were not so lucky…..

We live thirty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico…so storm surge is not an issue…for us…..

…..(swamp surge…maybe)…..

Most of my friends made it through unscathed…..

…..my friends who live south of us in Cape Coral…and Wimauma…weren’t in the hurricane cross-hairs…this time…..

…..(they were last year with Hurricane Ian)…..

*****(Hurricane Ian—2022)*****

But my friend who lives north of me…I haven’t heard from since she sent me this photo…..

Hurricane Idalia makes landfall…

She said they were the blue dot…..

Oh Dear…..

I’m hoping to hear from her soon…..

…..Now Is The Time For The Aftermath…..

Hurricane Season is such a petri dish of psychiatric survival…..

There’s the physicality & worry of prepping for a pending storm and then…watching its path…and then…its destruction…..

…..and now we are in the aftermath-stage…..

In one word…exhaustion…on so many levels…..



No one wants to admit it…but we’ve all sneaked a peek at the satellite maps to see what’s next…..

…(future weather events?)…

…..you just feel bitch-slapped…face-throbbing…..


…..and we were the lucky ones…..

We have our work cut out for us…we’ve already got the tractor back up and running again…..

But after the tractor…the generator decided to back-fire and stop(?)…..

My older daughter quickly got a new battery in it…..

…..she’d already cleaned the carburetor…and she picked up an appropriate oil filter…..

…..but we opted to walk away from it…when it made that tell-tale starter-noise…pthththththththth…..

…..we all know that noise…..

Ole ‘Sparky

So today…in the aftermath…we move forward on fixing the generator’s starter…..

Ole’ Sparky is a wonderful generator…she just decided to have a series of unfortunate events…at a least opportune moment…..

…(we’re still keeping an eye on the potential “next one”)….

And…as always…..

…..timing is everything…..

…(not the generator’s innards…but you get the idea)…

…..we’ll eventually make sure Ole’ Sparky is “right as rain”…(maybe a little steam-cleaning under the armpits)…..

…..(we all need that from time to time)…(I know I do)…..

…..and we’ll continue to stay vigilant…..

…..and watch & wait…..






#blackanddeckerchainsaw #meteorologist #meteorologicalradar 

#noaa #pauldellegatto #wtvttampaflorida #stihlchairsaw #chainsaw #ryobichainsaw #rigidchainsaw

2 thoughts on “*****Idalia…the days after*****

    1. You just never know where the storms are going…one minute it’s straight at you…the next it’s taken a right-hand turn while you weren’t watching. It makes you realize that you’re a small dot on a big world. And we still aren’t at the peak of the hurricane season yet…
      I still haven’t heard from my friend north of us. My daughter was telling me about a friend of hers in Arizona that had a super strong “haboob” hit them yesterday! Geez! Louise! Mother Nature keeps us on our toes…

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